not that im not happy for u or the others who get to see and talk to a r rbut i 
personally feel we go overboard in the photograph autograph department without 
realising the frame of mind he may be in and that is quite a put off and 
embarrasing at times........have experienced this personally too and when a r r 
asks me about these things dont know where to look..................


_____ Original message _____
Author: "Thulasi Ram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:           10th June 2007 8:48:43  AM

simply awesome! u r the luckiest ever

On 6/9/07, Rahmaniac™ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Its cloudy evening in Houston, and rushed from office early by saying my
> manager that my favorite musician is in City and I can't be in office under
> any case...He wished me good luck and gave send-off for the concert (how
> nice he is na!!)
> I prepared to break any rule to see ARR from near...but never expected
> such a mind blowing day I will be having..
> The show was supposed to start at 9pm. I was there with one other
> rahmanaiac at the concert by 6pm.
> And I broke the first rule...I went directly before the stage...when I was
> entering, luckily rahman was not on the stage and he was coming for
> relaxation in the seating area. He sat there...
> I never gave any thought for a wait..I just went there..Completely in a
> words...Just told, "Rahman ji, I am gr8 diehard fan of you..I
> just need one photograph and autograph from you"
> "you know, i met you already in unity of light concert in 2003, and this
> is the second time..and u donno that i touched you that day ;)", he gave a
> smile...i donno what i was talking "
> He is so down to earth...inspite of big tension before the concert
> starts(just 3 hours more...and nothing is been ready yet..) he said, "Ok!"
> and gave a small smile...
> We took one photo..and wanted a photograph with him...I sat beside him and
> i got it
> Then, Autograph...As I never expected, I could break the rule so
> easily...and I could meet ARR, I didnt carry anything to take an
> autograph...
> I asked him, "if you dont mind could you please give autograph on my
> t-shirt which i am wearing", he asked surprisingly.."this one?!"...i
> told..."Where?" as it was black...and pen is also black...
> I showed him place, where can sign...his forehead...He gave
> deep breath...and he got call fro stage...he left the
> place..and never came down...
> I was just before the stage helping working guys in moving chairs etc and
> acting like i am a part of crew :)*
> *Rahman was looking at me in I am continuously staring at him
> without moving my eyes...seem he was little bit in comfort..then I could see
> sivamani, rashid, naveen and ravi kiran very near to me..
> and some time later almost all singers were also there on the stage...they
> were busy in doing their work shivamani was the entertainer for everyone
> with his dances and funny things..he makes laugh with everyone in the
> crew...
> Rashid ali...I had eye contact with him..asked him to come forward for a
> pic...he came...and asked who are we?
> "I told, I am a gr8 fan of you also..i am also from hyderabad..I was there
> when you performed in unity of light concert in 2003, you sing very well
> also"
> he was impressed and told, "oh, you were there? good..and what were you
> doing here?"
> I told
> "I work here as a software engineer"...he told "good, and how come you are
> here?"
> I told "its the secret!!, I am a gr8 fan of Rahman...i could even tell i
> sweep hear"--but the reason i came into is different ofcourse
> "then Asked for a photograph with him...pleasantly he accepted and i had
> photo with him..and I said ok..thank you..he again went back to work
> And after that, I was moving hear and there...and rahman was also moving
> hear and there and helping everyone of the crew to setup their mikes
> properly..
> then organizers came and offered some snacks for him..he took red
> bull...they came to me also, supposing that i am part of crew...i also took
> red bull(for the first time i am having red bull in life)
> naveen was also looking at me..and finally he smiled at me....then i asked
> him to come close...he came..
> I told, "I was looking at you since long time, when you will come here" he
> told suprisingly with a smile "ohh.i am sorry!"
> "ohh..ok no are busy..i understand, and i told i am a great
> fan of you too..heard your fluid..its mind blowing...chennai rain was
> superb"
> he thanked me..and so happy with my words..
> asked for a snap..he put his hand on my shoulder very happily and gave
> fose for the friendly...
> Then its the turn with Naresh Iyer...but he was looking at me strangely,
> like somewhere he saw me...I just called him to come closure and gave a
> shake hand
> thing is by that is becoming i couldnt take a snap..I
> just told him "you are a very good singer...i like your songs, wish you all
> the best" he gave a cute smile and left place
> I went near sridhar...the busiest guy throughout the show...about to take
> a snap of him..he simply rejected it by saying..."after!", i can understand
> how busy he might be...I asked at a wrong time...but i never felt bad...even
> if i was him, i could have done the same..such tensed the situation,
> He helped naveen in setting up the mike..he is genius...he know how much
> angle should keep to get the effect from flute...
> then the godes, Rahman's mother came in the seating area..and was reading
> some tamil letters. I went there...and saw her id and confirmed that she is
> his mother..
> she know tamil and little hindi when i asked her...
> then I told, "aapkaa betaa.....uhm..uhmm..very good musician..i like him a
> lot"..."Can i have photograph of you and one with you?"..."
> plzz" she smiled and nodded her head saying "yes"
> Thats it..took snap with her..and thanked her..and she was busy in reading
> those stuff..
> Then Hariharan came..but he was busy in chating with some woman..and
> disappeared....
> then I again went back to Rahman..
> In between he was looking at me with a surprise face and ofcourse he was
> too busy...and finally he went for getting ready for the show..
> And i felt my purpose of going to concert is been done!!
> and the next 3 hours are free of cost for me...
> I saw Rahman performing live from very near on his piano and teaching one
> saxophone gal there...videos are there in the picasa...
> So,
> thats the RED BULL story of mine...
> thats the gr8est Day in my life...again!!
> Just wait for the next 3 hours....Still need to write..      ~~Rahmaniac™
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