yea but the author wasnt the one who was talking baout the 
discrimination. he overheard it. you said youre upset with what 
refers to as rahmans discrimination, but it  wasnt his, it was the 
 i think the author contradicts himself in the fourth to last 
sentence but i believe his wording is a bit confusing. i dunno, this 
is what i think.

h--- In, "jana_k3" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As I had earlier mentioned, I dislike linking blog posts because 
> usually, they are one-sided and biased, and full of personal 
> prejudice.  I was reading this person's review of the concert but 
> was upset with what he refers to as, Rahman's discrimination.  A 
lot of 
> blogs are giving wrong propaganda.  
> This fan group has all the songs done in his concerts so far  
> If you read it, and learned to count till 30, you will know that 
> had played much more (2/3rds) songs in Hindi so that the songs 
> reach everyone.  At least, all from South India would have 
exposure to 
> the Hindi songs to some extent.  But even playing a few Tamil 
songs and 
> a Telugu song seem to have created a south/north discrimination.  
> anything, Rahman has gone on record to say that he HATES this 
> discrimination and only thinks of himself as representing India.  
I am 
> truly saddened that people will go about giving him a negative 
> without thinking.  

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