thnx. m looking 4 newyork & ghanan clips... he cud ve rendered newyork song in 
all shows & made every audience njoyed  :-(   .....yeah rehman is cute n cool & 
trimmed his hair. i feel he could appear in more stylish sunglasses, even its 4 
safeguarding eyes 4m fireowrks... blaaze makes me 2 think ;-) is he american in 
his style with shots, cap all dat stuff........ when i see those stage set in 
every show with cris-cross steel angles (heavy metal) & heavy lights suspending 
4m above... jus sunglasses not enuf but every1 in stage has to wear helmets  ;-)
"m.sundar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi guys,
I've uploaded some of today's concert photos in this link:
Check out cool photos of our boss ;-)
I havent added title for many photos.. Will probably do it when i get
up in the morning.. Or somebody can help me with that by writing in my
comments section.. 




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