Guys,Check out the Clarification note from UNESCOs website.
UNESCO confirms that it is not involved in the “New 7 wonders of the world” 
campaignIn order to avoid any damaging confusion, UNESCO wishes to reaffirm 
that there is no link whatsoever between UNESCO’s World Heritage programme, 
which aims to protect world heritage, and the current campaign concerning “The 
New 7 Wonders of the World”.

This campaign was launched in 2000 as a private initiative by Bernard Weber, 
the idea being to encourage citizens around the world to select seven new 
wonders of the world by popular vote. 

Although UNESCO was invited to support this project on several occasions, the 
Organizaton decided not to collaborate with Mr. Weber. 

UNESCO’s objective and mandate is to assist countries in identifying, 
protecting and preserving World Heritage. Acknowledging the sentimental or 
emblematic value of sites and inscribing them on a new list is not enough. 
Scientific criteria must be defined, the quality of candidates evaluated, and 
legislative and management frameworks set up. The relevant authorities must 
also demonstrate commitment to these frameworks as well as to permanently 
monitoring the state of conservation of sites. The task is one of technical 
conservation and political persuasion. There is also a clear educational role 
with respect to the sites’ inherent value, the threats they face and what must 
be done to prevent their loss. 

There is no comparison between Mr Weber’s mediatised campaign and the 
scientific and educational work resulting from the inscription of sites on 
UNESCO’s World Heritage List*. The list of the “7 New Wonders of the World” 
will be the result of a private undertaking, reflecting only the opinions of 
those with access to the internet and not the entire world. This initiative 
cannot, in any significant and sustainable manner, contribute to the 
preservation of sites elected by this public. 


*New sites will be added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List during the 31st 
session of the World Heritage Committee in Christchurch, New Zealand, from 23 
June to 2 July.

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