you are lucky, very lucky guy...

Thulasi Ram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          awesome! awesome!! awesome!!! 
really great! i can feel your enthusiasm in me.. i m so happy for u!!!

  On 8/7/07, VijayNarain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:             Today is a 
great day for me. After 7th October 2005, today is when I
got my proper chance to meet A.R.Rahman the legend, the God of Indian
music! We were called to AM studios at 5 PM. The studio is beautiful!!
We were told to wait in a room to which we had to go downstairs and
take another flight of stairs. As we proceeded downstairts, I saw a
white Innova taxi pull up at the gate. And lo! ARR steps out of the
vehicle, clad in a white kurta! He casts a glance towards the four of 
us who were there, and goes up through another entrance.

The excrutiating wait of half an hour downstairs was
well...excrutiating, especially when you know ARR is up there inside!
And finally, our chance came. "Srishti!" came the call, and we were 
ushered into the lobby where we had earlier been seated. I'll describe
the lobby later :P!
There he was! The man! The legend! We had taken cameras along, only to
learn we couldn't take pics :( But there was the press, and they were 
taking pics of each band with Boss.

Rahman Sir looked at me and said "hi". I blurted out a " Hello Sir"
when what I actually wanted to say was something like "Do you realize
what a great moment this is for me Mr. Rahman, and it lies entirely in 
your hands to make it last for more than a minute"!
Then Rahman Sir asked us how the experience was.
And then he asked is to sit in a couch. I sat between our guitarist
and our other vocalist. And Rahman Sir right behind me, resting his 
hand on the sofa! Click!

We were promised the photos would be sent to us as soon as possible.

Now to the lobby. Gr8 ambience, with loads of oriental wall hangings,
and other stuff. Particularly noticeable were some electric wall 
hangings, that glowed like lightning bolts, all of which converged
around your hand when you touched them! Plus there was an electronic
organ at one corner. Then the showcase. This was interesting. Loads of
awards, including those from CNN-IBN, Filmfare etc were there. And 
below was a small bookshelf. Some of the books I saw there: One about
microphone techniques, few books on Islam, a couple from a series
called Great Composers, on Mozart and Bach, a book about Superbowl, an
edition of Society Magazine with ARR on the cover... 

I am right now out of words, exhausted, exhilarated, excited and
drained!! All this happened just 3 hours ago! Will post pics and more
when I regain conciousness! :P




  (music in our blood)

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