a great and a very meaningful program is finally over. i personally will
miss the program very very much. but i have all the episodes stored my in
HD.. so, i can watch it whenever i want but the curiosity to wait for the
program every week is over and itz quite hard for me to digest.

the greatest part of the final episode was ARR himself showering his words
of wisdom to all the music lovers around the world and most importantly to
all the participants of OLLL.
here it is..

i felt scintillated hearing each and every word of his while watching the
program. ARR is simply the best human being this world can ever see.. an apt
testimony can be found below.

ARRs transcript on finals of Oo La La La: WORDS OF WISDOM


for me, the difficult thing in the world is judging.

many are affected due to wrong decisions

the decision we take is related to someone's future. so, there's a fear in
my heart to make decisions.

this is the reason i don't like to a judge in any competition and i hesitate
a lot being a judge.

but i accepted for this oo la la la band hunt bcuz itz a new type of a
program. the concept is about BANDS and this is a competition about it and
is very interesting.

to find the talnets, i watched the auditions, qf, sf and finals.

from a bunch of roses, picking a rose is quite easy. but all those who have
come here are flower gardens.. so, picking a flower from this garden is very
difficult. bcuz the garden has a lily, jasmine, lotus, rose etc..

how to select a best flower from all these as each of them have a unique
pleasant smell, beauty, character in their own way?

i had lot of expectations from this show. the key elements of this show are
arrangements, composition, group rapport, vocal performance. but, most u
should have LIFE in the song. i think i should have said this to u all
earlier. (actually ARR was surpirsed by the bands energy in the finals. so,
the bands' life in the songs should have definitely surprised ARR)

now, its time for the final verdict. according to my decision, i don't want
to loose any talent.

so, who are the winners? not one but SIX! i want the success to be shared
among all the 6 teams..

before signing off from you all, i would like to say a one final thing to
all the other 12 bands who have lost. i feel ur failure as my failure.. i
believe that u guys will achieve more.

i asked "do u have music" when this band hunt was started.. now, u guys have
proved that u got music.. bye...

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