Don't like to pry into personal business, but it concerns me how ARR's
hectic lifestyle may be affecting his health.  There are reports that
he  goes for long periods without sleep, eating, etc.  I know his
music and passion and hard work sustain him, but he is a human being.
 I pray he continues to be healthy and vibrant for a long time, and to
that extent, I hope he takes good care of his health, gets medical
checkups periodically, etc. Of course, he has his mother to lecture
him about all of this, but as a caring fan, I hope he doesn't get
burnt out due to poor health for his sake alone.  I'm amazed at how he
manages to pull through despite forgoing sleep and food at times,
changing time zones constantly, etc.  Mind over matter, you could call
it. But, there are limits and I hope he respects those.  

Take good care, our Music Maestro.  We all pray for you.

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