Must be by his hits page, song fanaa is 
mentioned as from the movie fanaa.. whereas its from yuva.

--- In, Ramesh R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is an excellent read. Thanks for sending it, Gopal.
> What irks me however are the poses that the photographer has had ARR
do. The regular pics are fine. It's just the 'Titanic' pose, and the
reclining-in-deep-thought pose in his studio that are annoying. I do
recognize that it's simply awesome to capture an artist in his moment
of peace or excitement or elation. But it's downright insulting to set
up all this with a fake moment. Is there anyone who thinks those two
pictures were ARR's own genuine actions/pose?
> ARR being such a humble and down-to-earth person went out of the way
to oblige them. The interview even mentions his discomfort in posing
for the pictures. I'm glad ARR stood his ground in not granting them
what they wanted in the picture with his wife. It's a shame that for
all the great nuggets in the article it had to be marred by those
artificial poses. Don't these fellows have anything like a
journalistic integrity?
> RR
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Gopal Srinivasan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:32:26 PM
> Subject: [arr] HT Brunch cover story on ARR
>                                This is a must-read, features an
interview with his wife too.... And catch him doing a 'I am the king
of the world' pose on the terrace of his house
> com/photos/ arrahmanfans/ sets/72157602749 667444/
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