ATM is not a good movie but is indeed a good entertainer. Each one of  us will 
be having different views on it. But as for me the songs  picturization was not 
too bad. 

mmparthi2003 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                         
   No offense but I am sorry to say the movie stank and above all made
  the songs looks bad as well...The songs are gizzilion times better on
  the audio and who ever said the movie enhances the songs must be out
  of the world or hasnt ever seen a good way of song picturization...i
  felt bad watchign the songs and felt SJ Surya is way better atleast
  his New did so much justice to the song...
  And to Vijay who said dnt go to the movie with expectations on the Sun
  Tv interview hats couldn't be more right!

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