Hi Wasim,

For most part it applies to me also... :)
Have been part of the group since its early days and since the
beginning I cannot avoid checking the mails atleast twice a day... 

Liked the part where you mention new members arguing with Vijay and


--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "kaissiom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> The other day, someone accused me of being a  "..typical Rahman fan!"
> And my response was "Really? In that case, I stand guilty?"
> I then thought about it and wondered what is a "typical" Rahman fan?
> What is it that gets us all together here on this group... regardless of
> race, religion, gender, age, language, geographical locations ?
> Here's my best attempt at defining a "typical" Rahman fan... of course,
> it's subjective but let me know if you guys agree with any of it.  These
> are my personal opinions and are meant no offense to anyone.
> http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/kaissiom/lst?.dir=/AR+Rahman&.view=l
> <http://briefcase.yahoo.com/bc/kaissiom/lst?.dir=/AR+Rahman&.view=l>
> p.s.  For anyone who is interested in Windows tricks... you can download
> the  Word document and try to find a hidden .mp3 in the document.
> Regards,
> Wasim.

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