Thanks Amith.. do write to them and ask them to supply CDs in Chennai...
Eagerly awaiting the launch. I believe even shailesh from Dubai is awaiing
the same

On 1/24/08, Amith Chandhran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   The company has not yet released the CDs in other cities. So, as of now,
> 'Al Risalah' is available only in Mumbai. But I heard that the 2nd lot of
> the CDs is in production so we can hope it to release everywhere soon. Not
> sure when! If I get more info, will keep updated.
> By the way, it is already doing a good business. There is a considerable
> demand for the CDs from some religious organizations. Hope the distribution
> gets better. I read that it was available in bulk in Planet Ms, but when I
> called them, they had no idea what I was talking about! Maybe they have it
> but aren't aware about it?
> Also, lets write to sites like Musicyogi and Nehaflix requesting to make
> it available.
> Thanks to Ranojoy for explaining in details about Na'ats!
> Thanks.
> -



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