Cool Rano
Thanks for correcting/confirming the details...
Its just human curiosity and nothing more than that...
And I haven't posted this to discuss, but just for info which most of
our fans couldn't answer when they are been asked by others...
and the ARR's reason is a noble cause.
Personally, I am an atheist but I do respect people's beliefs...
and I am a die hard fan of ARR like all of you, who don't want to
intrude in ppl's personal lives...

anyways, I am not discussing it further, but just making everything
clear form my side...

--- In, "Ranojoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, I would never discuss these things here, but I owe it to A R 
> that I must clear obvious mistakes. 
> I must say that some of the info is pretty close to the actual 
> story, but isn't. Abdul Qadir Jeelani is a Muslim scholar from many 
> centuries ago, so the name of the guy is Kareemullah I think (I 
> think AR had  KM studio in his honor).
> The name issue I have discussed before. His name was originally 
> Abdur-Rahman or Abdul Rahman. For Roja, not his mom but K. 
> BALACHANDER requested that he use the muslim name. So A R R wanted 
> to use ONLY the initials A R as it sounded cool :) But Balachander 
> liked the ring of A R Rahman, and A R became Allah-Rakha which again 
> is actually a single name.
> I know it sounds pretty fantastic, but this is the real story. I 
> hope you have seen in the past 6 1/2 years that I don't post 
> inaccurate info about A R :)
> --- In, Rahmaniac™ <himmathwala@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I understand most of us are not completely aware of the series of 
> events happened during those 10 transition, someone in a 
> blog nicely wrote the details...
> > 
> > Rahman adds: "I am whatever because of my parent's prayers to God. 
> I am
> > whatever I am - because the prayers I pray conscientiously, 
> sincerely
> > and with full faith. I will be whatever I am - only because of 
> Him, I
> > know it. He has given me everything. He can take everything away 
> and I
> > accept His decision without any questions, without a murmur. He is
> > everything to me. I am just an infinitesimal creation of His. He 
> has
> > created me for a specific mission. I will be committing a sin if I
> > don't fulfill that mission. That's my only belief. That's the only
> > thing that matters to me. I don't care for all the other 
> temptations of
> > the world. I am born for music. I live for music. I will live for 
> music
> > till the very end. My life and death are in His hands. I will live 
> only
> > till He wants me to live. I will die only when He wants me to die. 
> It's
> > all God's will... Insha Allah.!"
> > 
> > The story:
> > After his father passed away, the burden of earning the bread and
> > butter for his family fell on Dileep's shoulders at the very young 
> age
> > of 11, and because of that, he had been struggling extremely hard 
> for
> > some years.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > His family went through a rough patch following his father's death,
> > which literally shook their world. He even had to work in amateur
> > Kannada plays at the age of 13, to earn money for his family.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Because of these hardships, sometime afterwards he stopped 
> believing in
> > the God. He believed that there was no God. There was a feeling of
> > restlessness within him. But later when he stabilized himself, he 
> found
> > that the concept of God in Islam was very appealing to him.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > He learnt that there can be no life without a force governing, 
> without
> > God. And then he found what he was looking for - in Islam. It all
> > happened around 1988, when one of his sisters fell seriously ill, 
> with
> > similar inexplicable conditions as their father. Numerous attempts 
> to
> > cure her failed. Her condition progressively worsened. The family 
> tried
> > everything from medicine to religious methods like havanas and 
> prayers
> > in the church.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The family had given up all hope; when they came in contact with a
> > Muslim Pir called as Pir Karimulla Shah Qadri or Sheik Abdul Qadir
> > Jeelani Sahib or Pir Qadri.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The family had earlier gone to the Pir when Dileep's father had 
> similar
> > troubles, but were too late to save him. With Pir's prayers and
> > blessings, Dileep's sister made a miraculous recovery. Pir Quadri
> > advised the family frequently. It was Pir who taught them the 
> purpose
> > of life, and also led Dileep and his family members to accept 
> Islam.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Rattled by the bad experiences earlier in the case of his father 
> and
> > now his sister, and influenced by the teachings of the Pir and the
> > succor that they found in him, the entire family converted to 
> Islam. So
> > great was the influence of the Pir on the family, that Dileep 
> started
> > using the place which he had blessed first as his music room, and
> > later, when he started becoming successful, a studio. When the 
> family
> > shifted to their current house, they resolved to stick to the 
> devotion.
> > So he and his family - excluding one of his sisters - converted to
> > Islam. But it was not an instantaneous decision - it took them 
> whole 10
> > years to come to that decision.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The meeting with Pir was, for Dileep, an inner awakening and 
> cleansing.
> > He started feeling, that it is not about being Hindu or being 
> Muslim or
> > anything, but there is this one feeling and that is God - The 
> Almighty.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Both his father and mother were strong believers in Astrology. His
> > mother took him along once to an astrologer called Ulaganathan, in
> > Chennai, to get the horoscope for her second daughter Bala.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > She asked the astrologer to suggest an Islamic name for Dileep. The
> > astrologer immediately suggested 'Abdul Rahman' and also asked him 
> to
> > shorten it to AR Rahman. When his mother asked the astrologer why 
> the
> > other initial 'R', the astrologer replied "Give him a name with 
> those
> > two initials and mark my words, he will grow up to be a great 
> man". His
> > mother did accordingly.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > This happened around when the production of the cassettes 
> of 'Roja' was
> > going on. The producers had decided to credit the composer as 
> Dileep on
> > the inlay cards of cassettes of the film. Dileep's mother 
> immediately
> > approached director Manirathnam, and placed this unusual 
> condition - to
> > credit Dileep with a Muslim name. The new name of the 25-year old
> > composer was: A R Rahman! And the rest, as they say, is history!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The initials A and R later became 'Allah Rakha' on the suggestion 
> of
> > renowned Hindi music composer Naushad Ali. Thus A Sekhar Dileep 
> Kumar
> > became Allah Rakha Rahman. This was around 1988.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > He says, "Family problems and the need for peace of mind made us 
> change
> > the faith. Sufism has given me peace. As Dileep I had an 
> inferiority
> > complex. As AR Rahman I feel like I have been born again."
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Rahman adds: "I am whatever because of my parent's prayers to God. 
> I am
> > whatever I am - because the prayers I pray conscientiously, 
> sincerely
> > and with full faith. I will be whatever I am - only because of 
> Him, I
> > know it. He has given me everything. He can take everything away 
> and I
> > accept His decision without any questions, without a murmur. He is
> > everything to me. I am just an infinitesimal creation of His. He 
> has
> > created me for a specific mission. I will be committing a sin if I
> > don't fulfill that mission. That's my only belief. That's the only
> > thing that matters to me. I don't care for all the other 
> temptations of
> > the world. I am born for music. I live for music. I will live for 
> music
> > till the very end. My life and death are in His hands. I will live 
> only
> > till He wants me to live. I will die only when He wants me to die. 
> It's
> > all God's will... Insha Allah.!"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Religion is a very personal affair for this sober young man from
> > Chennai. He prays five times a day, carrying his prayer mat with 
> him on
> > his tours, and retiring to the prayer room he has had built next 
> to his
> > studio during recording. He says, "It's like a meditation. Each 
> time I
> > pray, I die, my soul departs, and then I am like born again."
> > 
> > source:
> > 
> >  
> > ~~Rahmaniac™ SURESH~~
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >       
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