Jodhaa Akbar
Minimum Distance

Todaymarks the premiere of Jodhaa Akbar here and the reasons for wanting 
towatch this film are simple - the pairing of Hrithik Roshan andAishwarya Rai 
Bachchan, director Ashutosh Gowariker, and musician A.R.Rahman. It's simply an 
irresistible combination, one that everyone inthe cinema hall would attest to, 
given the full house, and the fullhouse in the next screening.

Jodhaa Akbar is set in the 16thcentury, which tells of an arranged marriage for 
strategic alliancepurposes that blossomed into true love between a Mughal 
emperor,Jalaluddin Mohammad (Hrithik Roshan) and a Rajput princess 
Jodha(Aishwarya Rai Bachchan). In fact, as how most historical epics wouldgo, 
such as the likes of Alexanderor peer Bollywood film Asoka (starring Shah Rukh 
Khan), while effortsare placed into extensive research to try and stay as 
authentic aspossible, there still are various interpretations to characters, 
someof whom will be taken to task (like Oliver Stone's vision of ColinFarrell 
as Alexander the Great)by audiences. The contention here is the story behind 
Jodha, and thevarious names she goes by with different retellings, and that is 
put upfront even before the opening credits start to roll.

DirectorGowariker's pedigree with his successful epics like Lagaan and 
Swadesputs him in good stead as he tackles this love story on multiplefronts. 
In fact, as he puts it, it's a story about the meeting of twocultures and two 
religions, so basically, what's in a name? Sometimes Iwonder about similarities 
with the formation of big countries as weknow it today, with China undergoing 
multiple civil styled wars in bidsby conquerors to unite it, and with India, it 
seems that it's nodifferent. We get to see the multitudes of ethnic groups, 
each withtheir unique practices which we were given glimpses on, thanks to 
thesuperb art direction and wonderful, authentic sets recreated.

JalaluddinMohammad hails from the Mughals, and is a Muslim, who from young 
istold by various quarters what to do, and how to lead his life asEmperor of 
Hindustan. He gains a reputation on the battlefield, whichcould parallel those 
in Hollywood in terms of sheer scale and grandeur,even utilizing hordes of 
marauding elephants and settled into some ickyterritory when elephants rampage 
and stomp on soldiers. Blood aside, wesee Jalaluddin slowly become a man of his 
own, and in a bid to forge astrategic alliance, he's offered the hand of Jodha 
Bai. However, thisarranged marriage was doomed a failure from all quarters, 
because ofthe difference in religion (she's a Hindu) and culture. 
Furthermore,the reluctant Jodha makes it all the more difficult by asking for 
2conditions, that she be allowed to practice her religion, and to builda shrine 
in their bridal home. He agrees.

And in today'scontext, I would say this act of proposition and acceptance would 
alsoraise some eyebrows sky high. But herein likes the key message thatgets 
drummed through the movie - why can't we love despite ourdifferences? Why can't 
we enjoy the diversity that each religion orculture bring, instead of baying 
for blood and inciting hatred? JodhaaAkbar has its message of (religious) 
tolerance worn very prominently onits sleeve. It's quite radical and forward 
thinking in Jalaluddin'scharacter, and we feel for the couple as they go 
journey from strangersto soul mates overcoming the various challenges posed 
from the outside,and between themselves as they try hard to break the thick ice.

Butit's not all lovey-dovey in turmoil times like theirs, wherepoliticking 
takes place from the macro with the constant threat of warand the running of a 
country, to the micro where internal jealousiesand the defending of personal 
turf rear their ugly head, which kind ofreminisce the many petty backstabbings 
found behind closed royaltydoors, with Jalaluddin's nanny Maham Anga (Ila Arun) 
proving to be theattempted spoiler and go between in the marriage. And to 
leaders outthere, there's a scene which while it's something that's not new, 
isalways apt to remind them not to sit on their ivory towers, but to walkthe 
ground and hear the grumbling first hand, as nothing beats groundlevel 

In most parts, Jodhaa Akbar had reminded meof Cecil B DeMille's historical 
productions, with its beautiful sets,costumes, great acting, and intense battle 
sequences. There are acouple of nice action set pieces ranging from full scale 
war with theclashing of two opposing sides (the elephants were a great bonus, 
trustme), to a duel which turns out to be a courtship ritual, something notnew 
since both Hrithik and Aishwarya challenged each other before(though on the 
basketball court), with the latter quite well versed in swordplay given her 
earlier role in The Last Legion, and one featuring what I thought took a leaf 
out of the battle between Hector and Achilles in Troy.

Ofcourse, no Bollywood movie will be without music and dance, and here,it's 
done quite tastefully as you don't expect sudden outbursts intosong. The music 
by A.R. Rahman is top notch as usual, and dances herehappen naturally as part 
of the narrative flow, with the first songcoming out only just before the hour 
mark. Needless to say I foundmyself tapping my feet to almost all of them. 
There are a numerous pluspoints in this blockbuster, and if I'm telling you I'm 
getting the DVDwhen it's released, I'm already giving this a vote of confidence 
thatit's a contender to make it to my top 10 movies of the year. 
Highlyrecommended! Oh, and you'll have to watch this yourself to find out 
ifHrithik and Ash did sizzle after their locking of lips in Dhoom2!

P.S.Running 213 minutes, I was thankful that the intermission was grantedby the 
cinema operators for you to stretch your legs, and release theload in your 

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