So far, I read all the reviews & blog sent by Gops & others. Most of the
reviews gives importance to ARR's music & praises ARR's BGM & Songs..... I
think there is no need of this discussion at this moment.


On 2/16/08, Matthew Islam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Independent reviews on the music have been lukwarm somewhat but in the
> context of the film being reviewed overall....JA as Gopal states was
> received very
> On Feb 16, 2008 4:59 PM, Aditya Nataraja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >    Hi,
> >
> > Rahman recently opted out of OSO on the issue of rights and royalty. As
> > a result he had to walk out on an SRK production (which went on to become a
> > big thing). Both these acts seem to have given ARR's image a different
> > tinge that is reflecting in the music section of the reviews of JA. I am yet
> > to come across someone (apart from Rajeev Masand of CNN IBN) who has
> > wholeheartedly praised the music of JA during his/ her review of the movie.
> > Being an ARR fan I just adore the music. I think it fits the grandeur and
> > scale that Ashutosh Gowariker has envisioned. It cannot be possible that the
> > movie is rated as a 4 on 5 and the music is just 'passable'. How can that
> > be? That means either the reviewer has not paid attention to the music while
> > watching the movie or it must be the 'tinge' that I am talking about working
> > its effect. As a Rahman fan I am disappointed by the movie reviewers giving
> > a lukewarm response to the music. And am sure as my fellow fans you are too,
> > hence this mail.
> >
> > Having said that I must also reiterate my support for Rahman in his
> > policy of having a share in the rights of the music. As the creator of the
> > music he certainly deserves a share of the money that these buggers make out
> > of selling it. Of course he might not get the major part, but some part he
> > certainly deserves. So he is asking for it and we stand by him. My question
> > after this long mail is: Do you think that this policy of his is earning him
> > detractors? Or do you believe that people are seriously not moved by the
> > music of JA as is indicated by most reviews?
> >
> > Just throwing open something for discussion. Feel free to let me know if
> > I have gone wrong somewhere.
> >
> > Love,
> > Adi.
> >
> > --
> > "You are what your deepest desire is;
> > As you desire, so is your intention;
> > As your intention, so is your will;
> > As is your will so is your deed;
> > As is your deed, so is your destiny"
> >                                           -The Upanishads
> >

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