It was 'Spirit of Unity Concerts for National Integration' airing every Sunday 
at 10 in the morning. I used to watch it religiously even before I heard Roja. 
I never cared to check the credit list at the end to see who composed the title 
music, though I used to like it very much. It was only after the 'roja 
experience' one day when the program started I thought that it must be by ARR. 
Then only I checked the credits at the end and came to know that it was by A. 
R. Rahman. As far as I can remember, he was not credited as 'Dileep Kumar'. 
Later probably they had felicitated him and included the footage also during 
the begining or ending credits. 
  avyayan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Mine was at a family party, sometime in '92, when the booming chants
of Rukkumani filled an almost cellar-like room. I walked up to the
in-house "DJ" and asked what's this - is it Indian. "Yeah," came the
reply, "some Rahman dude." And that was moment I fell in love with his

--- In, sunil karthik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now lemme share my experience..
> though i was a kid probably studying in 3 rd or 4 th i used
to like hearing to gud music. My father used to tell me a lot about
illayaraja. I used to hear his music a lot. Then on a sunday i was
watching " the sprit of unity " ( i may be wrong with the name)
program in dd. Wow the music was magical. I asked my dad who the music
director was. My dad had to wait till the next week to see the credits
of the program and answer me. It was ar rahman. the name sort of mixed
in my heart and i never used to miss the program( i still wonder now ,
ARR 's name would have been Dheleep kumar then but how did i know his
name then!!) . 
> I was in 5 th standard, my sister bought an audio
cassett and it was Roja. i was not really interested. i was looking at
the cassette cover and i found the music dir to be!! i
then suerly knew that it would be magical. I started to hear it.
Right frm the very 1st sec till the last i was in heaven.
> That was the only time i did not buy a Rahman audio. 
> I was also present in the chennai concert organised by marg last month.
> Rahman u rock.. !!
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Pravinder Sheoran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 February, 2008 2:43:59 PM
> Subject: [arr] Re: When I heard ARR for the first time !!!
> Hi All, 
> Nice to read everyone's first experience of listening ARR.
> I Unconsciously listened ARR from Roja time.
> Roja used to be telecasted on DD1 every 15 August.
> I used to wait for the part where BGM comes, the one which is the
> beggining of Roja Janeman song.
> Consciously i started listening ARR from Zubeidaa.
> The song used to come on radio and i loved it.
> Later on i found out that it was a Shyam Benegal film, the director
> was my most favorite one. Because of that i bought Cassette.
> Came to know about A R Rahman and the process started; the end of
> which was me becoming a Rahmaniac. 
> Pravinder
> --- In arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com, "Bergin Roy" <berginroy@ ..>
> >
> > Dear Rahmaniacs,
> > 
> > I'm not sure, if this has been discussed earlier. I'd love to start a 
> > thread of messages, to share the experience when we listened to ARR's 
> > music for the first time ever. And how we were impressed / flattened. 
> > Got this idea, when i was reading review of Roja music in a website. 
> > Especially from Gopal / Vijay, would love to know your first 
> > experience listening to ARR.
> > 
> > Let me start... 
> > I happened to know about ARR very very late. I was in Class 9 i 
> > guess. We were in Ooty then. So movies dont get release than soon as 
> > in other cities. I came to know about him during the National Award 
> > for Roja.
> > 
> > It was an evening, i had returned from School. There was a program in 
> > DD, curtain raiser for the National Award. Thats when i first heard 
> > the magical sound that i havent heard ever till then. My God... i 
> > said, what a sound it was, it went thru my nerves and mixed on to my 
> > blood. It was the song, "Pudhu Vellai mazhai...", the initial 
> > interlude, made me shiver in the Kashmiri snow, i really felt a cold 
> > when the chill sound splashes along with the beat... Wow man... and 
> > so my next question was, who is the composer. Next comes the 
> > surprise, a 25 year old young chap... And i ran out to the music shop 
> > to grab a cassette. 
> > 
> > I was flattened and still breathing his music.
> > 
> > And i soaked in his music since then... I was called as "Rahman" in 
> > my college hostel. Siraj would know that...
> > Where ever I go since then, ppl talking to me for 2 days will know 
> > that i'm a fan of ARR. That much i talk on ARR. :)
> > 
> > Its been 17 yrs now. I cherish the times i run to music shops to grab 
> > the first cassette on almost all releases. Now, at the age of 30, 
> > i've somehow lost the habit of grabbing the first CD/Cassette, may be 
> > not getting time or out of reach, but the passion towards his music, 
> > will be there till my last breathe.
> > 
> > Listening now to his voice "yelelo... " from Chinna Chinna Aasai...
> > 
> > - Bergin
> > Breathing HIS music.
> >
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