What rules? Everything was just created by men..mortals like anybody
else..And people blindly accept rules even when they become obsolete..

Standing up to National Anthem doesn't solve India's problems. . Whole
meaning of patriotism is crooked up.
(Vijaykanth is largely the reason for this ;) ).  Many people don't even
know the meaning of our National Anthem...


It's a poem praising God, rather than our Nation. And there are so many
controversies even about the context in which it was written.


Let all those people who blame Rahman fix that first and let God bless them
with rational thinking!
I would ideally like National Anthem to adapt to current needs and
situations - Stress on National unity and development, Nation above self..so

Most of the National Anthems were written during colonial times. . .praising
the ruler. Democracy has made us all equal.

But who dares to change? Every politician thinks within those crooked and
short sighted rules and exploits them for his/her advantage. .

Wrong forum to bring out this issue. Sorry.

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Gomzy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Old news. The high court dismissed the case which some nuthead had
> issued.
> On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 1:54 PM, up84mouli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Hi All...
> >
> > Just read an article in Kumudam - A Tamil weekly.
> >
> > Sorry if this is an old post or was already discussed before...
> >
> > The writer - among other things - expresses dissatisfaction about the
> > way national honor or pride is compromised in various situations.
> >
> > Topping the list was the way the "National Anthem" remake is displayed
> > across the Sathyam theater screens after a movie.
> >
> > These are the two mistakes:
> >
> > 1. The song is too long: Actually National Anthem should be in a
> > specific tune and tempo and should exactly end within a particular
> > time but this song overrides all these things and it seems is legally
> > wrong.
> >
> > 2. There is no certification that accompanies the song, which again
> > is a major blunder.
> >
> > The person concluded saying that he would never heed the request to
> > stand up for the song as it is not legal and hence there is no need to
> > add to the disrespect already created...
> >
> > Any comments??
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Chandra.
> >
> >

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