Ture. Jodha - Akbar joins Mangal Pandey. Timeless classics for me.

On 4/14/08, Chord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I knew it would be a success with us and fans of class music, but
> didn't really know how it would fare with the general audience. Mr.
> Tuteja has admitted he was wrong about his JA's review and that the
> audience has given it a thumbs up. Very happy for ARR and Ashutosh for
> the movie also doing well. It was really the power of melody that made
> this album a success and to me, this is a timeless masterpiece. I still
> cannot stop listening to the songs today and never get bored of them.
> They are just scintilliating with soul and melody and the sound quality
> and production is top notch. Now you know why I was so impatient to
> hear this soundtrack before it came out! Remember all those darn
> delays???
> BTW, we are still missing a song from JA and I wll write a post on that
> shortly.

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