Hi all,

could someone tell me who the lady was in the on tv segment? there was SJS,
Aamir.. and the lady who talked about ARR..


On 15/04/2008, Mirza G. Munas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I feel the Koffee with Anu team didn't make the most of the interview. I
> always wished they
> interview ARR. But now, its an opportunity wasted. She asked the same
> questions which were
> repeated quite recently and which almost everybody knows. I find the
> interview done by Indiaglitz
> recently quite interesting. For the on TV segment all they could do is to
> find just 3 people. I am
> pretty sure they could have done better. This is ARR we are talking about.
> I am pretty sure they
> could have asked something far interesting than when did you started
> playing piano. The Principal
> coming on to speak about her student was very touching.
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