Are there any ARR fans who are also a fan of rock music from the West?
If so, do any of you like the rock group Rush?  Other bands like
Zepplin, Pink Floyd are more well known worldwide, but I was wondering
if anyone shared the rare combination of loving Rush and ARR's music.
 I may be wrong, but I perhaps may be the only person who has ARR and
Rush as their two favorite musical artists.  Rush's music is highly
complex, layered, deep, melodic, precise, and the musicians are one of
the best at their respective intsruments (esp. the drummer Neil Peart
who is regarded by many as the best rock drummer who ever lived). 
Rush (a rock group trio) is known as a thinking man's band with highly
thought provoking and intelligent lyrics and also know for great
artwork on their album covers.  They were founded in 1974 and continue
to make new music and tour worldwide even today (going to their
concert in Boston in June!)

As a die hard ARR and Rush fan, I see some commonalities between both
artists.  Both are extremely talented and both create music
progressively that fit with the times.  Many Rush fans long for their
music in the 70s and early 80s just like many ARR fans long for his
music from the 90s.  (Rush's peak album was 1981's Moving Pictures
with songs like Tom Sawyer, Limelight, YYZZ......akin to ARR's Dil
Se).  Rush are known for their great instrumentals, just like ARR. 
Rush uses haunting chords and refined, thick, textured layering like
ARR.  Rush also uses symphonic music in their songs.  Rush is very
tech savvy using incredible sound and engineering, esp. during their
1980's work which was heavily synth infused).  Somewhat like ARR, Rush
has a cult like fan base with fan intensity possibly unsurpassed. 
Rush, like ARR, were pioneers of a type of sound and style of music
(prog rock), although unlike ARR, they didn't revolutionize music at
the time.

I sure hope I can someday find a die hard Rush and ARR fan together. 

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