I'm just blown away by this song for its ease, spontaneity, conceptual 
brilliance, and "feel goodness".  To even think of composing such a 
song in swing/jazz mode showcase Rahman's tremendous innovativeness 
and originality and out of the box creative thinking.  Notice how ARR 
has sung it so effortlessly in that octave range.  His smooth voice is 
so suited for this type of music....almost reminds me of Mel 
Tourmet...another great singer of the past who used to sing such type 
of jazzy songs.  The swing rhythms are so catchy.  I just love the 
trumpet improvisation that keeps weaving in and out throughout the 
song, similarly how the accordian weaves in and out in Ay Hairathe and 
Ishq Ada.  It's a Rahman specialty to have one single acoustic 
instrument weave into songs like that and take center stage.  And the 
soft chords in the background with piano touches and female voice 
bursts just adds icing on the cake.  

I hope more of us and more people in general will appreciate how truly 
special this song is.

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