Dear Rahmaniacs from Trivandrum ,

Please reply and leave your suggestions here.. Let's
unite for this Good Cause and do it in a Big way...

Thanks.. :-)

> Sreekrishnan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>           Dear friends,
> The coming Saturday ( June 
> 14 ) is World Blood Donor 
> Day. Shall we, Rahmaniacs 
> plan some Charity Services in 
> the our respective cities like 
> donating Blood individually 
> or together ?
> God Bless...


"Let's be United for ARR"

"I feel that I'm representing my father's aspirations, his unfulfilled life in 
all that I attempt. I'm inspired by him. I did not have him for a long time in 
my life. But I remember the way he used to treat his musicians, the way he 
respected them and of course I remember his music."
 - ARR

      Bring your gang together. Do your thing. Find your favourite Yahoo! group 

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