Dear Friend ,
 I agree your gud thoughts.............

On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:00 AM, Anil Nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Just some thoughts that struck me today listening to some ARR music
> today.
> I am sure many in this group would share the same as to how tough it is not
> just to meet expectations but to beat them hollow - in today's informed
> age and this man has been doing so for well over 16 years now.
> In the good ol days - there weren't too many ways you would hear about the
> making of the music, the movie or inside scoops until the movie actually
> released or the songs started playing on Radio and TV. Cut to today's
> world where by the time a music album releases -and specially an ARR album -
> there are just so many expectations, just so many speculations, just so many
> rumors, just so many inside scoops and so many crew members speaking about
> it. Add to that we have song snippets getting leaked and sometimes even MD's
> releasing snippets (for remixes et al) - there is very little left for
> imagination (a bit of an exaggeration ..but I guess u get the point). And
> ARR continues to beat them all ..surprise them all and leaves everyone
> amazed each and every time.
> ARR's competition is only himself ...with each album ..with each song ..he
> has to outgrow himself ..he has to beat himself and he has to gift us
> listeners with gems that we will cherish throught our life.
> I don't where I am going with this but there is so much to this man's music
> ...the charisma ...and the spirit that he embodies that my thoughts do
> wander like this many a time. Instead of boring the ones near me ...this
> time I guess I chose this forum :-)
>  Sorry about that :-)
> -A

"Friendship is not about finding the right person, but creating the right
Its not how much we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the

Sirish Musician.

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