Dude Pradeep ! You can filter AR messages in yahoo by making mails directly get 
into your created custom folders. Go to options feature after log in to your 
mail in right top. There is Filter option. Just create/add an exclusive folder 
with a name like AR Yahoo & give the id in the mail-id seeking box  
arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com save & exit. All the messages coming from this id 
will get into that exclusive folder. Now In-Box is for your other mails.

Pradeepan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do you read & follow emails from our Group. 
For a long Time, I used to directly read msgs from the Groups site and 
the replies (not all of them) get shown up at the bottom section.

For a very short time, I tried to subscribe mails to my Inbox & got fed 
up with not being able to locate other important non-ARR mails because 
of that.

Of late, I've subscribed to my Gmail, & use the advanced version. So 
Google automatically clubs together the original Mail & all replies to 
it. Made life much easier :)

btw, it would have been great, if Yahoo after all these years had 
provided a free flatform like a Forum - which is the best way to see 
messages & replies. Latest reply always makes the original Post pop to 
the top.

anyways, typing out a long mail - for the benefit of those few who may 
not know abt the advantage in subscribing to Gmail.



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