Hi Guys,

A piece from Aamirs latest Blog entry. Just have a look at it.


've begun smoking again.

I know you guys are going to kick the shit out of me, my family is
already doing that.

In fact that's one of the reasons I haven't posted for so long,
I meanbecause of my smoking. I didn't know how to face all of you.
I'd wantto write about something interesting, but I'd broken my
promise toy'all so I'd not know how to get around that, and then
I'd just shut mycomp.

So I thought let me start by coming clean, and expose my human

I don't smoke in front of kids, and I don't smoke in the
presence ofpeople who get disturbed with it. Small mercies, I know. But
what todo? I get really stressed when any of my films is about to
release. Iknow the music is doing really well and most of you will tell
me thereis nothing to worry about but it doesn't work like that.
Bear with mefolks, I'll give up once Jaane Tu releases.

So much to tell you guys but I know that you wont be listening to
anything I say now so I'll keep this one short.

Have been enjoying the cross chatting that's going on between a
bunchof you. And I've created a feature where I can respond to
specificcomments within a post. Responses its called. I've posted a
few in mylast post to give you an idea.

Ok. I'm running for cover as soon as I click the submit tab.

Be kind now.



Dont worry Aamir Rahman's music will make Jaane tu ya Jaane na " A


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