The second one was Chinnamma Chilakkamma song.....

The song was picturised like a fantasy - with a witch flying around, the lead 
pairs flying around, monsters walking around, and the hero shooting them and 
such stuff..... the graphics looked a bit amateurish though!

Marudhaani picturisation was good though - right from the graphics at the start 
of the song, to the locations and camera angles - everything looked quite good!




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--- On Sun, 7/13/08, Thulasi Ram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Thulasi Ram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [arr] Two sakkarakkati songs premiered at Sathyam.. what are they??
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 9:35 PM

            what is the first one???

second one is marudhani song

Pavan.. u were there in the function, how were the song picturizations? ?






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