"And he recently sang two songs for A R Rahman for a Steven Spielberg

Chhaiya chhaiya ELVIS

Sukhwinder Singh wants to get into the Presley mode

¦ Meghna Mukerjee, Hindustan Times, 23rd July, 2008

H is calling card continues to be the chartbuster Chhaiya chhaiya and of
late, the title track of Chak De! India.

Then he seemed to have vanished, then he returned, then vanished. So
when I meet Sukhwinder Singh, I want to know whether he has become
calmer and cooler over the last few years? Music video To that, he
responds, "I think so.. and that's because I can realise so many of my
dreams today. Not many people know this but I'm a huge Elvis Presley
fan. I follow him in every aspect of my life. One day, my friends asked
me if I could be like him and I thought why not. I intend to shoot an
Elvisinspired music video soon."

So after groaning and grumbling about the music reality shows, what's he
doing judging one? Ask that and he seems to be ready with a rehearsed
answer: "I'm against reality shows in general because they're high on
drama.. and some channels haven't done them in the right spirit. I
decided to judge Star Voice of India 2 because I watched some episodes
last season and I think I can add some value." Agenda ho Singh's agenda?
Answer: "I want to substitute the tension on the show with a relaxed
atmosphere. Contestants often cannot give their best because they're
scared.. but I want to make them feel calm and cool."

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