"*What this also says is that fan sites have marketing potential which could
be manipulated."
*You can't expect any better reporting from ToI can you?! Somehow just can't
bring myself to terms with such journalism. Pathetic!

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Vithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   *Virtual fandom
> Shouvik, a virtual fan from Hyderabad, thinks that being part of a fans
> community online helps you procure a lot of resources, which will be
> impossible as an individual. Plus it builds your contacts. He even designed
> what he describes as "India's first community based fan club." Samata
> Biswas, a researcher, feels that it is impossible for people with busy
> schedules to be real time fans. "You don't know where these clubs are, how
> to join, etc. Here you can just log in anytime and contribute."
> For the 3,00,000 strong A R Rahman Fans community in Orkut, virtual space
> is for meeting and organising. The community is used as a platform for the
> planning of their outdoor activities, which include free food distribution
> for the poor, concerts, and aid for the disabled kids. It also serves as a
> platform for raising money for these charity works by selling Rahman tees,
> Pray for me Brother colourbooks, etc. What this also says is that fan sites
> have marketing potential which could be manipulated. *
> http://epaper.timesofindia.com/Default/Scripting/ArticleWin.asp?From=Archive&Source=Page&Skin=TOI&BaseHref=TOIH/2008/08/20&PageLabel=23&EntityId=Ar02300&ViewMode=HTML&GZ=T
> --
> regards,
> Vithur
> ARR -- The Sweet Cube always

"You are what your deepest desire is;
As you desire, so is your intention;
As your intention, so is your will;
As is your will so is your deed;
As is your deed, so is your destiny"
-The Upanishads

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