Y don't we stop this thread n start acting upon it.. And there's no
reason y Vithur should stop keeping us informed on ARR.. :)
Not all of us have such patience n dedication.. Lets appriciate his
efforts n praise his dedication towards ARR n the community.. 
Thanx Vithur.. 
And Siraj: We do need some interesting n involving posts too.. Lets
start it..

--- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com, "Thulasi Ram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i wud appreciate all those pin pointing these stuff to come with up
> interesting stuff; rather than keeping on stressing the point that
group is
> not as it was previously/initially. no one restricts anyone to share
> anything related to ARR... no offense meant.. peace....
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:07 PM, JOHN JEEVINTH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> >   Siraj u do have a point buddy.. it is true dat the quality of
> > discussion happening here has come down..the uniqueness of this group
> > is not there anymore...When I joined this group abt 3-4years back I
> > got to know lot of things abt ARR which i never knew...and the kind of
> > reviews and discussion which took place here really kept me glued to
> > my mail box...but dat does not happen any more...this was how de Orkut
> > community with Siraj is referring to lost its charm....
> > The things which made me visit this group 10-15times a day is now lost
> > I know i will be reading a Google news on ARR here with full
> > description...
> >
> > Vithur this is nothing against u ... I really appreciate this man he
> > spends most of the time researching on ARR
> >
> > I would like to have the group to be back the way it was ...
> > Lets not make it as place were we get news abt ARR from various
> > sources but a place were every single fan comes out and discusses
> > about The Music,The Magic and The Man...
> >
> > --- In arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
<arrahmanfans%40yahoogroups.com>, Arun
> > <playon.studio@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear Friends,
> > > Yes its true we are not disscuss much more of ARR, Please stop
> > posting news
> > > like NON-ARR or SEMI ARR, lot of things are there friends in music,
> > in each and
> > > every song of ARR, Friends we want to sure this Groups want to
> > disscuss purely ARR.
> > > ur's
> > > Arun.S
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message ----
> > > From: Vithur <vithurm@>
> > > To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com <arrahmanfans%40yahoogroups.com>
> > > Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 9:29:55
> > > Subject: Re: [arr] NO healthy, constructive & meaningful posts on
> > ARR's music anymore here... [SAD]
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks Siraj. Lets make our posts interesting. .cheers
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 3:12 AM, Siraj K <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
> > >
> > > My dear friends,
> > > Â
> > > Thanks all for considering my email positively (because I didn't get
> > any bashing from anybody so far).
> > > Â
> > > But I noticed onething. Everybody is pointing to Vithur only. Why? I
> > never meant his posts; I meant in general.  Sorry, Vithur (don't
> > misunderstand me). And few said they're with Vithur; I'm also with
> > Vithur (since I posted this, does it mean that I'm against Vithur?).
> > > Â
> > > As somebody stated, though we've google alerts & RSS Feeds facility,
> > it is easy to get all info here in one place (being posted by Vithur
> > and others). But I think this is not the place for that purpose.
> > > Â
> > > If somebody wants to know about other stuffs (like Marmayogi,
> > Maniratnam, what Aishwarya & Abhishek are doing, etc...), let them go
> > and find it from other places. Its not a place to read about the
> > progress of those movies. We already knew ARR is assoicated with these
> > movies because of which we don't have to know the progress of the
> > movie too; we don't want to know who is the producer, what is
> > his budget, where and when the shooting is getting started? I'm
> > even ARR is not interested about all these Qs. Then why should we
> > bother? If ARR is doing some research on music for those movies, those
> > articles can be posted here. If ARR is doing some research on 6th
> > century music to compose for Marmayogi, we can discuss here "what
> > could it be? how it could sound? etc..."
> > > Â
> > > Be frank my friends... We know that there are definitely VERY LESS
> > about ARR in the recent posts than NON-ARR stuffs (may be 1 or 2 lines
> > about ARR).
> > > Â
> > > Sorry for the comparison here...
> > > Â
> > > Just visit "Ilayaraja - Orkut community" once; you'll understand
> > what the community is meant for. They're discussing lot about IR's
> > music and specialities, nook and corner of his music. And visit "Kamal
> > Hasan's Orkt Community", they discuss a lot about Kamal (leave some
> > exceptional posts apart) and his movies (for instance, they're
> > discussing about Dasavatharam right from the movie release and
> > revealing lot of info everyday). They look really logical and
> > interesting to know about Kamal & his talent.
> > > Â
> > > In the same way, we've to discuss about ARR, his music and his
> > talent and small small stuffs he hides in his music. So that
> > other fans who have less knowledge on music (like me) will come to
> > know the talent of ARR.
> > > Â
> > > Just posting "whether the movie shooting is started or not" neither
> > helps in understanding ARR's music nor his talent.
> > > Â
> > > Hey Bergin, you do remember those days (I miss those
> > days yaar)...!!! I don't want to create an argument among our
> > (Rahmaniacs) . What I want is 'reasonable analysis' and 'worthy
> > > Â
> > > Thanks for not bashing me.
> > > Â
> > > Cheers,
> > > Siraj
> > >
> > > Â
> > > On 8/22/08, Bergin Panimayam <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:
> > > Friends,
> > > Â
> > > First, why should we argue like this for nothing? See the thread it
> > has gained for no use. All of us here are ARR fans, lets be united.
> > Siraj, I remember our hostel days in Jamal, then we argue with non-ARR
> > fans that argue with us. You, me and other Siraj on a side supporting
> > ARR.
> > > Â
> > > But all of us here are ARR fans, why to indulge unnecessary
> > arguement. In fact i didnt want to read all the messages on this
> > > Â
> > > I very much understand and appreciate your intentions of having a
> > good and healthy conversation. Did you notice, in the past month or
> > so, there's not much posting from Gopal or Vijay, very few infact.
> > That doesnt mean they are out of the forum or Silent... Instead of
> > arguing, lets start a good healthy discussions.
> > > Â
> > > One thing, Let us all appreciate Vithur for his efforts to post news
> > that comes every day. I do have my own Google Alerts, that alerts me
> > on ARR news every day. But i find it difficult to read 'em all. And
> > this man is taking efforts to keep the forum informed on news
> > involving ARR. And let's not forget the charity work he does. Hats off
> > to you Vithur.
> > > Â
> > > Let's discuss, if there's a way to popularise ARR to the rest of the
> > world, how as a fan we can take this to other people around the world
> > and show we have a man that has sold so many records in just 16 yrs.
> > Think of what we can do to spread the word. let's all market the brand
> > ARR to the world as much possible.
> > > Â
> > > Post articles where ever possible, guys abroad, talk to your
> > non-indian colleagues about ARR on your casual discussions . And let
> > them know about his music. That's what we should do and that will help
> > improve his music sales in US and other countries and will in turn
> > help ARR to go more closer to Grammy and other awards.
> > >
> > > Â
> > > Bergin
> > > Â --- On Fri, 8/22/08, vrvithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:
> > >
> > > From: vrvithur <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
> > > Subject: Re: [arr] NO healthy, constructive & meaningful posts on
> > ARR&#39;s music anymore here... [SAD]
> > > To: arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com
> > > Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 2:07 AM
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks abdul Bhai... Would strive to make my posts as interesting as
> > > possible...
> > >
> > > --- In arrahmanfans@ yahoogroups. com, Abdul Manaf <manafcp@ >
> > > >
> > > > Hi vithur
> > > > i wrote here that i agree with siraj partly. Please dont
> > > missunderstand me. What i meant is that there were some members here
> > > who coming with interesting topics. They must come back. For me i
> > > didnt miss any of ur mail till now. Dont stop. I didnt feel that
> > > those info are boring, it is very interesting. Keep it up. We are
> > > with you.
> > > >
> > > > Vithur wrote:
> > > > > I post relevant information only abt ARR... and even
> > > if I post it from different websites... I post them, only if
there is
> > > some additional info or if something is different...
> > > > > Â
> > > > > I dont have the expertise to analyse or dissect AR music...
> > > > > On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:27 AM, Abdul Manaf < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > com > wrote:
> > > > > Hi siraj i agree with you partly. You mentioned that it is
> > > boring to read articles copy and pasted from other websites. But it
> > > is very useful to the members who are checking mails through mobile.
> > > I regularly checking mails in my mobile and iam very thankful to the
> > > members who are posting articles from various sites especially
> > > VITHUR. I have been a member in this group since 2002 and reading
> > > such posts. I believe that this group is more active comparing with
> > > other forums because of such active members. U mentioned about some
> > > members here, yes they were posting interesting topics in the last
> > > some months. Hope they will come back.
> > > > > Siraj K wrote: > My dear fellow Rahmaniacs, > Â  > No offense
> > >
> > > meant; I don't intend to hurt anybody here; please understand. > It
> > > has been a long time since we had some healthy, constructive and
> > > meaningful article / discussions happened in our own ARR's Yahoo
> > > Group Forum.
> > > > >> Friends, please don't ask me, " How many posts have you posted?
> > > How many articles you wrote? And for how many posts have you
> > > replied? " I 've no answer for this because I'm not so good in music
> > > to write a review or comment on ARR's music. But as a fan, I do read
> > > all the posts (healthy & constructive) posted by other fans
here.. I'm
> > > an active SILENT member.
> > > > >> Where are Chord, Amit, Rawat, and other strong members who
> > > writes reviews or analyzes ARR's music and songs? > But now a days
> > > what we get to read in this forum is just " Copy & Paste " from
> > > various websites and " bits & pieces " about ARR (& many times just
> > > info related to ARR) from other sources. Many times it happens
to get
> > > same info from various websites (for ex, Kamal's Marmayogi, Mani's
> > > Mahabharat, Shankar's Robo, Akshay's Blue, Rashid Ali's interviews,
> > > etc, etc...) We're seeing same info about these on different posts
> > > atleast 5 times everyday ( same info is repeated over and over;
> > > and again - by various fans; many times by the same fan ). Its
> > > boring and frustrating to read.
> > > > >> There are few posts where there is no trace of ARR's name at
> > > all. > Yahoo Group is becoming like Orkut community where we don't
> > > see any healthy debate or discussions. > Please guys, old active
> > > members of Yahoo! fans club, please come again and start the healthy
> > > discussions.
> > > > >> It looks we're working hard to reach the message / post
count to
> > > reach 1 million; we don't need that. If we want to reach 1 million,
> > > we can simply start posting " I LOVE YOU ARR " everyday 10 times;
> > > soon we'll reach 1 billion or 1 trillion. We need some meaningful
> > > analysis and constructive debates / reviews on ARR's music.
> > > > >> Sorry if my mail hurts anybody. > Cheers, Siraj ._,_.___
> > > Recent Activity
> > > * Â 56
> > > New MembersVisit Your Group
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> > > List your web site
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> > > .
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > regards,
> > > Vithur
> > >
> > > ARR -- The Sweet Cube always
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Get your preferred Email name!
> > > Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail.com.
> > > http://mail.promotions.yahoo.com/newdomains/aa/
> > >
> >
> >  
> >

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