Dear Ali Ahad.

I don't see any objectionable "religious" tone in your email so RELAX.
Moreover to all those RELIGIOUS members who responded to this harmless
thread, please STOP this discussion about Rahman's and others religion
right here right now !

Rahman is a classic example as how a person can rise above the
religious matters and guide his admirers to also change into a better
and sensible person. We all are Rahmaniacs and it means we are
"enlightened ones" to listen and appreciate good music. 

So, let's do just that and be a RAHMANIAC !

And guys, my message thread was to understand how others became
RAHMANIACS. Except telling that story, you are discussing all things
under the sun. So let's hear from some of you as to how you got
introduced to Rahman..................

Best regards
Dinesh Vaidya

--- In, ali ahad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i had no intensions about this religious debat...i was just telling
my story and had clear it in another mail reply...sorry if som one is
hurt because of  heart feeling....we all r likes brother...

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