Dear All,

Pls dont start blaming me or accusing me. This is purely my opinion, and I
am sure people will differ from mine.

I just returned homw after watching Sakkarakatti. It is a debut film from a
debutant director, who has aimed, desired and dreamt something big, great
and class, but ended up in a chaos. The film has lot of touches of the film
Boys in it,,,, in the sense that the picture shows how the youth get swayed
away by sensual desires etc. I must admit, that the film lacks a script.
There is no proper story, and screen play is NIL.  Kalaprabhu could have
taken the suggestions of senior Directors, in attaching some story, script
value to the movie. But anyhow, I liked the movie, and its not an unbearable
one, as our Meastro has come with out wonderful BGMs once again.

BGMs to be specially observed

1. The Very Title Credits..... Sounds little bit similar to " Tu Bin
Bataye"..... little bit here and there....
2. The English BGMs which come with Blazee 's Rap
3. There is  a wonderful BGM, which comes, when Vedika ( Reema) goes with
the hero in his bike to college . oops. Wonderful
4. Marudhani in piano similar to some symphony orchestra style
5. The Dream scene of the hero, when he goes to see Reema . There the usage
of Taxi Taxi BGM in rock style. Oh My God. Mind Blowing
6. Elay Elay BGM, when the kids go to the book store for buying books...

The final scene, when our Boss creates a magic, by superbly mixing Chinnama
Chilakkama tune & Marudhaani & once again ends with Chinnamma Chilakkama...

I am very happy, that the director had specially thanked ARR in the
beginning itself.

P.S. I dont think the movie is an unbearable one... Its Ok. Could have been
much much much better. But, for a newcomer, he has done his best to do
whatever he feels can be done best. Lets forgive him....

A special Treat for BGM lovers like me.....

expecting the DVD anytime... Ayngaran release should be soon, I guess.


ARR in my Heart;
His Music in my Blood;

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