Regardless of how we feel about the music, disappointed, elated,
average, etc., please try to remember that ARR has never been known to
be less than a work horse for each and every soundtrack that comes
out.  Yes, all music directors work hard, but I believe that ARR puts
in a lot of sincerity and a pure work ethic into each soundtrack.  I
think there are instances where ARR is not available to devote as much
time into a soundtrack as he might want due to other committments,
obligations, and sometimes it has shown.  However, within his
capacity, I truly believe he mostly gives it 110% and more.   

I have been disappointed myself with an ARR soundtrack before (a lot
to do with my own expectations), but I would never use words like
"crap" or other seedy adjectives to describe a work of art that has
been labored over for months with sincerity and remember, blessings
from ARR's mother!  

Yuvvraaj is coming out soon.  I think it's ok to give first
impressions, good or bad, but please let's temper any negative
comemnts within reason.  Most of us in this group I think respect
this, but there are a few I have seen in the past........  And if it's
all positive and praise and celebration, hooray!  

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