Well...In our own group only I found it... 2-3 months bak(Before
Sakkarakatti), someone said that his frnd met ARR and when asked abt
upcoming projects.... He mentioned dat ARR said he expects the most from
Ghajini dis year...
Please chk d archives...... U'll definitely find it... Dats Y, even I was
NOT very eager for YUVVRAAJ since I had been waiting for Ghajini and only
Ghajini.. But when YUVVRAAJ music was out.. I was FLATTERED!! Then I
thought, YUVVRAAJ itself is so grand... So what does ARR mean dat he expects
d most frm Ghajini??
So I expect something very GRAND in Ghajini...

Hopefully Harris Jayaraj's Suttum Vizhi will be answered with something like
*"POOVUKKUL"* from *Jeans...*

BTW, please chk d archives guys....And confirm for yourselves.... Dont rem d
user who posted it...

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