Hello Guys,

Rather than any other forums or communities, I really love this place where
true fans really interact with each other. I introduce this fan clubs to
many of my friends and they all used to complain that it is not user
friendly to reply to each mails and read the follow ups. So if any of the
members is having difficulty in doing the follow ups and replying to the
emails, here is a good way to optimize the group in a user friendly manner.

The steps to configure Yahoo groups in Gmail.

1. Please configure the A R Rahman fan group to your gmail address in the
link www.arrahmanfans.com

2. If this is already being done, then it is fine.

3. Once Subscribed to the fan group all mails will be forwarded to your
Gmail address. ie Posts and related follow ups.

4. Once the email arrives in you gmail inbox, open one of the emails. Then
follow these steps.

   - Open an email of ARR Yahoo Group.
   - Besides "Delete" button, you will find "More Actions"
   - Click "More Actions"
   - Then click "Filter Messages like these"
   - Then Click "Next Step"
   - Tick the box "Skip the inbox"
   - Tick the box "Apply the label"
   - Click "New Label"
   - Type in the label name as "A R Rahman" or something you wish.
   - Also Tick "Also apply filter to XX conversations below."
   - Then click "Create Filter"
   - Now a filter has been created and all email will be now moved to the
   Rahman Folder
   - Now you can manage and read the email posts in much a user friendly

Hope this helps, many our Fellow Rahmaniacs. If you already know this,
please ignore this email :)

Hail Rahman :)

Farzad Khaleel

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