Hi guys,

Just coming from the pre-screening of Slumdog Millionaire.  It's a
great movie, very different... very realistic.  I would recommend
everyone to watch it.  I was lucky enough to get two seats for the
pre-screening in Los Angeles.  I went with my friend, I was not
expecting the theater to be full since it's not a mainstream American
movie.  But to my surprise there was a huge line just to get in, and
we barely saw any Indians... It was an all American audience.  The
direction and storytelling is awesome, along with some brilliant
acting.  Now coming to the BGM... Rahman has given an excellent score
for the movie.  

The background music really compliments the movie well.  M.I.A was
featured at least a couple or more times throughout the movie.  There
are many fantastic BGM pieces used throughout the movie apart from
what is played in the trailers.  The romantic piece played on Jamal
and Latika is simply awesome, it's a female voice humming.. I couldn't
figure out who.  I had a big wrestler type dude crying next to me
during one of these scenes. The music was truly moving and added a lot
of emotions to the scenes.  

Regarding what the reviewers and critics had said about the ending...
it's true.. about 97% of people stayed glued to their seats as the End
credits started rolling.. with the Jai Ho song by Sukhwinder and some
dance sequence with a huge crowd. 

The song... well, I was not too impressed by it... it's an average
song by Rahman standard but not very good or best.. may be because I
was hearing it the first time?  But hey, the people seemed to love it.  

And when they showed Music composed by A.R. Rahman towards the end...
people cheered and clapped!  Well, that made my day. We can expect
more high profile international projects from Rahman, thanks to this
movie.  Let's hope it bags the Oscars for music.

Go watch the movie and let's hope Fox Searchlight decides to release
the soundtrack of the movie.

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