Slumdog Millionaire 
120 minutes 
rated R (language, adult situations, violence) 

by Scott Mendelson 

There has been an ongoing debate for the last several years about the 
very concept of knowledge. With the advances of the internet and 
billions of people literally having any piece of information at their 
fingertips, what is the real benefit of knowledge? Why teach children 
facts when they can look them up in five seconds on Wikipedia or 
Google? Why devour trivia books (such as Uncle John's Bathroom Reader) 
when any random fact is available upon request? While there will 
always be such people as myself who take pride in knowing as much as 
possible about as much as possible (I'm not a 'know-it-all', I'm a 
'want to know-it-all'), what practical purpose remains for storing 
facts, dates, names, and events when the answer key to the world is 
sitting at your fingertips? 

Loveleen Tandan and Danny Boyle's delightful fable Slumdog Millionaire 
suggests that our lives can be considered a sum of our knowledge. The 
more we do, the more we experience, then the more we know. Hence, the 
more we know, the richer our lives have been and can be. The film 
concerns a single life, up to the age of eighteen, told against the 
backdrop of an event that could transform that life forever. 

The plot - Jamil Malik (Skins' Dev Patel) has lived a tough and brutal 
life as an impoverished child in Mumbai, India. But now, through luck 
and perhaps intent, he sits in the winner's circle of the Indian 
version of 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'. As he awaits the final 
question that will award him 20 million rupees, he is arrested and 
detained by Mumbai police on suspicion of cheating. Doctors, lawyers, 
and scientists have never won as much money on this show, so how could 
a poor kid from the slums possibly know so much? With his life 
possibly hanging in the balance, Malik tells his interrogator the 
story of his life up to that point, with highlighting key events that 
will explain how be came to know the answers to the questions thus 

That's all you get, and that's all you want going in. The film is a 
simple one, and the life of Malik sometimes flirts with cliche. But 
the movie succeeds as a sum of its parts, and its slow-building power 
becomes intoxicating.  The film looks absolutely gorgeous, with 
widescreen vistas of India contrasting with sharp, intrusive closeups 
during interrogation scenes. The scenes set on the game show itself 
are both electric and claustrophobic, with Boyle doing his best to 
approximate the feeling of being on that once legendary show. 

The acting is uniformly excellent, but it never stands out never 
overpowers the narrative. Each of the leads is played by three 
different actors as they age, and each young actor blends seamlessly 
with the one following or proceeding. Of the case, only Anil Kapoor 
stands out. He has fun playing the game show host, a seemingly jovial 
man of shifting motives and complicated feelings about having his 
spotlight stolen by this genuinely interesting young man. 

And, unlike several other Danny Boyle pictures, the film actually has 
a compelling third act and an emotionally involving climax. No 
spoilers, but the film does not go sliding off the rails in the manner 
of 28 Days Later, Sunshine, and The Beach. Granted, he was loosely 
adapting Vikas Swarup's novel Q&A, but I was genuinely fearful that 
Boyle would once again drop the third-act ball. No worries, the last 
act is, if anything, superior to its somewhat dragging initial first 
act set-up. 

In the end, Boyle and Tandan have made an enchanting story about the 
power of knowledge, knowledge gained from experiences and gained from 
life itself. The film sneaks up on the audience, slowly building 
emotional investment until the moviegoers are playing along with Malik 
and holding their breaths at the end. It is easily one of the more 
charming and original movies of this year and is absolutely perfect 
family entertainment for anyone over the age of ten. It is a 
celebration of not just the usual triumph of the human spirit, but a 
celebration of the human experience. For it's not just what you know, 
it's how you came to know it. 
Grade: B+

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