On 11/13/2008 9:54 AM India Time, _Vinayakam Murugan_ wrote:

> The second line makes it more relevant
> Chandiranai Thottadhu Yaar armstrong aaa
> Was it Armstrong who touched the moon
> Sathiyama Thottadhu Yaar Naan Dhaane
> Actually it is me who had touched it.

Wow! That at least clarifies that nothing other than "Armstrong" would 
have made this thing meaningful. Seems that is why they all decided to 
retain it.

Heard the song. Bliss is ignorance. Not knowing Tamil, I didn't even get 
this word as Armstrong and it didn't feel any wrong. In general, Tamil 
is having mostly hard sounding words, like German has, in contrast with 
Bengali/ Italian respectively.

> Vinayak


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