We need chillers like this now and then! Superb!


--- On Wed, 11/12/08, Roshan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Roshan R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [arr] Stop Stop STOP!!
To: arrahmanfans@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008, 3:41 PM

Hey all you A R Rahman fans and the others,

I have noticed that many of us hardcore Rahman fans go over the top with our 
'fury' when something bad , or if there is some sort of criticism written about 
Rahman. Why, why why???

Do we need to really prove to the others that Rahman has justified the music in 
all of his albums?? We know that already!!! and we also know that he will do 
the same with all of his upcoming albums.. People talk... let them! We dont 
have to prove a point to them.. Rahman does that for us anyway. And we do love 
him and support him unconditionally, dont we?

For example, there was this bloke who said he did not like the guzarish song 
from ghajini. All of a sudden, many of you's jumped on him saying he was absurd 
etc etc. As far as I know, he just voiced his opinion. Each one has his 

No one can force anyone to like a particular type of music. Rahman caters to a 
wide audience with his variety and rightly so, he has the most fans from all of 
the Indian celebrities.

Rahman himself has quoted as being a fan of Yuvan's music. For Rahman, music is 
universal. If our so called 'boss' can be modest, so can WE!! If someone says, 
this music of Rahman is his worst... Good for him, he probably wants to lower 
his standards in the type of music that he listens to.. We cant help him, can 

So please dont think we HAVE to prove that we are fans of A R Rahman.. If we 
weren't, we wouldnt have joined this group; now would we??

So it is my humble request to stop overcrowding our inboxes with words of 
hatred, fury and irritation. 




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