Hi all,

We as rahmaniacs apprecite good music, whoever is it from. We do agree tht 
Harris' Ghajini was applaudable especially oru malai and suttrum vizhi. But 
when u review our Boss' Ghajini, pls do not drag Harris into the picture.  It 
is very insulting to us, fans of a legend.  Concentrate on the music element of 
each song rather than comparing them.  I know many would be doing this in the 
days to come.  But i request to u all not to do this.

By the way, Ghajini needs LOT of time to grow.  So don't jump into conclusions. 
 Wait for the magic to unfold gradually.  We rahmaniacs are so lucky to enjoy 
the magic in a few listenings. And Thank God for RAHMAN.
Music is really enriching.


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