My God. Taken aback by SDM. Whatever expectations could have been from a 
Hollywood album by our boss, it lives up to that fully.

Such a variety, such a lush, vibrating music, he has never given earlier 
in a single album. Somewhere it gives an enigma feel, somewhere a feel 
of a totally western creation. ARR has shown his completeness in this.

Ironically, Jai Ho is the longest ARR song in the album, barring that 
Don song, but it finishes so fast. :-) such a catchy thing he has created.

The logic of Choli ke peechhe rerecoding didn't become apparent to me. 
Does it implies that Boyle thinks ARR is not capable of giving some song 
as catchy as this one, so he used someone else's number instead of using 
ARR's number? Not likely, seeing their chemistry, still such unnecessary 
doubts raise head.

ARR's numbers are mostly quite subtle compared to other MD's songs. Even 
his good popular songs are subtle in comparison, so people might carry a 
feeling that he can't give a "choli ke peechhe" or a tezaab "ek do teen" 

And that could explain why ARR got prompted to give catchy Bachcho and 
Latto - just to establish that he can indeed give catchy number.

And, this is an album, that in not really instantly likeable as most of 
hype-creator in this group are trying to make it out, still, in the 
first few hearings, you would like it just enough, but not completely, 
to keep you engaged in it. You would have a conviction that it is going 
to grow, and the growing phase of this album is not an exercise, not a 
pain, but a pleasure.

It is a tasty slow poison.

Start listening to it only if you have lot of time to enjoy it, 
otherwise you would feel frustrated if you have to stop playing it.

Wishing that ARR gives this type of songs in a bollywood movie.


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