Hi guys,

      After reading a few -ve reviews from some reputed blogs [some went to
the extent of calling a few track's Pritamish and VS style]. I thought of
skipping the sound track. Last week saw a few trailers on TV and thought of
giving the soundtrack a shot [after all I am a huge ARR fan]. Went to a
planetm shop and enquired says "Sold out", I thought crappy sound track and
sold out:)? Visited another planetm shop a week later and bought the CD, the
CD was placed in the top rack of the stand, means currently best selling
album [crap album is no 1 on sales chart :)].

With a lot of -ve thoughts started playing the cd. Belive me for the first
time in years, I am totally satisfied with an ARR album. Each and every song
is awesome. My fac tracks "Aye Bacchoo and Lattoo ".

Love ARR

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