Hi All

I am trying to put together a play list for my *running / jogging* schedule.


Duration : 45 - 60 minutes
Songs : All songs of AR Rahman
Preference :  An even spread from early 90's to SDM would be appreciated (
but not necessarily so )

I am an average runner marking 10 Minute per Mile right now , anything that
would suit the speed for that run would be very deeply appreciated.

Thanks to all of you
Just an another girl.
  • ... just an another girl
    • ... Gomzy™
    • ... Pradeepan R
    • ... ramakrisha laxmana subramanian siva gopala acharya iyer .aiyooo amma idli wada dosa sambar chatni .
      • ... adrcc2
      • ... just an another girl
        • ... Reformed Sinner

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