A high quality video of SDM , awesome BGM by Boss. 


Editorial Reviews in amazon.com on SDM

 Kurt Loder, MTV.COM
"The propulsive score, by Bollywood soundtrack auteurA. R. Rahman, is hip-hop 
fusion of a very up-to-date kind"

Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
"The film is a visual wonder, propelled by A.R. Rahman's hip-hopping score and 
Chris Dickens' kinetic editing."

Kenny Turan, Los Angeles Times
"Danny Boyle has upped the ante by hiring the great A.R. Rahman, the king of 
Bollywood music, to contribute one of his unmistakable propulsive scores."

Product Description
In composing the music for acclaimed director Danny Boyle's intoxicating new 
film Slumdog Millionaire, A.R. Rahman has conjured the sound of a city, fusing 
the frenetic scramble of daily life in Mumbai, India into beautiful fugues that 
ride upon the dust clouds kicked up by its everyday people.

>From the movie's first frames --- with children racing through alleyways, 
>knocking over merchants and pottery, police kicking loose clay roof tiles, 
>disrupted birds fluttering from gutters -- we hear the sound of their 
>commotion made manifest in "O... Saya." It's a rumbling hybrid of Bollywood 
>and hip-hop, a brand new collaboration betweenRahman and M.I.A. It's the kind 
>of cinematic moment where image and sound coexist. And that's only the first 
>five minutes.

Filmed in the streets and slums of Mumbai, India, Boyle needed just the right 
music to compliment the film's cinema verité urban realism. He turned to 
internationally renowned composer A.R. Rahman (a huge star in South 
Asia--selling more than 100 million albums worldwide and 200 million 
cassettes--Rahman is one of the world's top 25 all-time top selling recording 
artists.) The film's score is central to the propulsive modern grit that 
pervades the story, but is also a nod to classic Bollywood productions where 
the music is front and center. And loud. SaysRahman, "We wanted it edgy, 
upfront. Danny wanted it loud."

M.I.A.'s appreciation for Bollywood music led her to record much of last year's 
Kala inside A.R. Rahman's studio in India, although the two had never worked 
together until now. Referring to him in URB magazine as "the Indian Timbaland," 
M.I.A. obviously jumped at the chance to work on "O... Saya" with the famed 
composer. Rahman says, "She's a real powerhouse. Somebody played me her CD and 
I thought, `Who is this girl? She came here and knew all my work, had followed 
my work for ages. I said, `Cut the crap, this "my idol" crap. You have to teach 

M.I.A. crops up again, later in the film, with the remix of her worldwide hit 
"Paper Planes" seemingly made for Slumdog, as the lyrics pronounce, "Sometimes 
I feel like sitting on trains..." while a light blue locomotive chugs and hurls 
its way through India, young boys perched up top in the sepia sunlight scoping 
out for a scrap of food.

Other songs on the soundtrack include "Gangsta Blues," featuring hip-hop artist 
BlaaZe, which flutters with the rhythms of a film projector, capturing a bit of 
the madness of crowds as they disperse in a thousand directions to escape the 
claustrophobia of back alleys. And nothing quite prepares you for the 
triumphant climax, the overarching ode to joy that is "Jai Ho," closing out the 
film in a rousing sing-a-long that's had film audiences burst into spontaneous 
applause. As Rahman told Variety, "The energy of the film takes you through a 
roller coaster, and that's one of the main inspirations for the whole music." 

A chicagoian review . " The best movie I have seen in the year 2008 
Rating : 5.0/ 5.0

Although I've seen some really good movies this year, I can say with confidence 
that SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE is the one that I've enjoyed most. It has already 
generated perhaps the best critical reviews of any film released in 2008 and 
has won audience awards at notable film festivals. The film completely lives up 
to the hype that has surrounded it.

In the first couple of minutes of the film we learn several things. First, 
Jamal, a Muslim who is a product of the slums, is a participant on the Indian 
version of WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? Second, he is suspected of cheating 
and is subjected to horrific torture at the hands of the police. Gradually, 
after having failed to elicit confessions of how he had cheated, Jamal related, 
while they all watch a video of his television appearance, how he knew the 
answers of each of the questions. The result is a series of flashbacks that 
essentially tell the story of Jamal's life and his relations with the two most 
important relationships in his life, that of his street smart but sometimes 
amoral brother Salim, and Latika. These scenes are set in some of the most 
horrific squalor that one can imagine. It may seem unrealistic that someone 
could come out of such wretched life experiences as relatively unscarred as 
Jamal appears to be, but that is in part because
 at heart the film is a fairy tale. It is not an expose of the abuses of modern 
economic life. At heart it is a love story.

I am not a big fan of director Danny Boyle, not having enjoyed at all 28 DAYS 
or TRAINSPOTTING or his other efforts, but his work here is nothing short of 
miraculous. I knew none of the cast, though I've read that several members are 
well known Bollywood actors. This film, I have to hasten to add, has nothing in 
common with a Bollywood film apart from some of the actors. Though filmed in 
India, this is every bit a Western film. There are many marvelous performances, 
not least Dev Patel as Jamal. There are a number of child actors who turn in 
remarkable performances. And as the grown up Latika, the newcomer Freida Pinto 
is fascinating to look at with her almost surreal beauty.

As I said, despite the squalid settings for much of the film, this is a fairy 
tale, a love story. But even knowing that the film ends as a fairy tale does 
not prepare one for the particulars. There were a number of ways that it might 
have ended and while the ending wasn't completely unexpected, it wasn't 
entirely predictable. In the end, this was a thoroughly enjoyable film, equal 
parts love story and comedy, set against the backdrop of almost inconceivable 
squalor. There has been talk of this Indie film perhaps pulling a LITTLE MISS 
SUNSHINE and receiving some Oscar attention. We can only hope. 

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