Created by London based "Addictive TV" as per the request of Slumdog 
Millionaire's producers and director Danny Boyle. 

Addictive TV remix of Slumdog Millionaire - an alternative web 
trailer for "Slumdog Millionaire", created by sampling sounds and 
images from the film and producing something entirely new made from 
only those audiovisual samples. Before the beat kicks in, the whole 
intro is purely AV, the music being made from only the looped images 
you see.

"It's great Pathé are taking a lead in the independent film sector 
like this, and sharing our vision of film remixing," says Addictive 
TV front man Graham Daniels. "With our style of work, Slumdog 
Millionaire is an amazing film to play with, it's so cinematic and 
evocative in both sound and picture, it's really colourful and 
vibrant, and with Danny Boyle known for his cutting edge approach to 
music and film, making this kind of remix for his movie seems like a 
natural fit."


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