Blame it on the hype.

The reviews -- mainly from the United Kingdom and the United States, where
the film was released first -- for *Slumdog Millionaire
]* compete with each other in discovering superlatives. It is being billed
as *the movie* of the year gone by, and has catapulted its protagonists Dev
Patel and Freida Pinto into competing with Oscar heavyweights in major award

So expectation is par for the course, I hope you will agree.

But after watching director Danny Boyle's attempt at encapsulating the India
story with a miraculous tale, I for one was majorly under-whelmed.

Let me try to explain why.

   - *Also Read: Showcasing Slumdog

And for those of you who want to watch the movie first unencumbered by
premature knowledge of plot turning points, please click away to another
page, because it is impossible to critique this particular film without
giving away what classify as 'spoilers'.

So where was I? The film. Do you remember a recent movie that had the
tagline -- 'he was arrested for raping his daughter'? Well,
* too was based on 'real events'.

The point I am trying to make is that a film about real events need not end
up real enough, or engaging enough. That is precisely what *Slumdog
Millionaire* suffers from, IMHO.

The premise is brimming with potential. A slum kid rises above fate to
win *Kaun
Banega Crorepati *-- the sets are ditto, as is the background music for the
show -- and the love of his life. He is helped by destiny, as each of the
questions on the quiz show is linked to an event in his life. Wow.

But the execution falls very flat because of two basic flaws: The language
barrier, and a wishy washy story line.

It starts off with Jamal Malik being given the 'third degree' in a police
station because the cops are sure the slum kid has cheated on the game show.

I agree custodial torture is not limited to Abu Ghraib. But what is not
taken into account is the usual fall guy in 21st century India -- the media.
If a 'slumdog' -- as the police inspector (Irrfan Khan
[Images< khan>
]) calls Jamal -- were to be poised to win Rs 20 million on *KBC* and if the
country knew it (as it does in *Slumdog*), I doubt he would be subjected to
any other grilling apart from that most profound of television journalism
questions: "*Aapko kaisa lag raha hai?*" (How are you feeling?).

And if he was arrested for cheating, it would be an even bigger story, with
reporters grilling the police and PYTs (pretty young things) doing PTCs
(piece to cameras, the bit where the reporter faces the camera and signs off
with usually insights like: 'What will happen next remains to be seen. With
cameraperson in Mumbai
], , ') in front of Jamal's slum.

Instead, Jamal narrates to the police inspector just how he knows the answer
to each question.

So we flashback to him as child diving into potty -- isn't once enough,
given that Boyle's gritty and edgy *Trainspotting *featured such a
nauseating scene too? -- to get Amitabh Bachchan's
] autograph.

For all the Amitabh-crazed fans, maybe the megastar does oblige children
caked in faeces; be sure to try it the next time.

More such flashbacks reveal the scars life has inflicted on Jamal and his
brother Salim. The Bombay riots that orphaned Jamal; how he and his brother
Salim met Latika, the love of Jamal's life, as children; the underworld don
who has children's eyes gouged out so that they can earn more as beggars;
how Jamal and Salim escape him and land up in Agra
]; how they come back; how Jamal and Salim and Latika are thrown apart; and
how, eventually, love conquers all.

Again, fantastic -- and seemingly real -- premise; but shoddy experience.

For starters, the kids (who deliver heart-warming performances, faring way
better than those who play their adult avatars) and his brother speak in
Hindi, and suddenly when they turn adolescent they start talking in
*pucca*English. Huh?

*Arre,* that's because the film is meant for a world audience, and you can't
have an entire film in subtitles, you might say. Fine, but then why do the
police officers have to speak 'Indian' English and why does the 'slumdog'
have an accent?

And no, a semi-literate office help in a call centre does not develop an

In fact, a lot of the 'how he knows the answers' flashbacks are too
contrived. Sample this, Jamal knows Samuel Colt invented the revolver
because Salim got a gun -- it is never explained how -- and shot dead the
vile man who heads the beggars' racket. In my hometown, the pistol goes by
monikers like 'machine' in the netherworld; I doubt the average underaged
Mumbai underworld operative knows a Colt 45, or Samuel Colt. The first gun
is usually what is called a 'country' revolver.

And then there is the stereotyped, half-baked, black and white
characterisation, almost bar none. For example, Prem Kumar (Anil Kapoor [
Images < kapoor>]), the
*KBC *host, is the typical villain who taunts the *chaiwallah* on his show;
and the audience joins in with jeering laughter. Agreed, slum children get
life's rawest deal, but not on live television. More likely, sugary
treatment on the show, and bitter backstage.

It is also not explained just why Prem goes after Jamal with such malice,
beyond a muttered 'It's *my *show'.

I can go on and on -- like point out that call centres serving customers in
Scotland don't keep telephone directories of Indian cities accessible at the
click of a button, and that mobile phones are not listed in telephone
directories yet (that's how Jamal finds his brother again) -- but the point
is that *Slumdog Millionaire* is miles short of what I had expected it to

The really key events, the struggles of survival, are glossed over, and
instead we get montage (albeit beautiful) shots hurrying towards a climax
that leaves you untouched. A R Rahman's music is good, but not the master's
best. But then, maybe on second hearing it will grow on you.

But -- maybe it's just me -- you never really feel for the adult Jamal.
Maybe it has something to do with the acting.

I have no problems with the 'West' taking up themes of poverty and
highlighting the real India. I can completely understand a foreigner being
obsessed with the filth and the poverty -- I too was stunned by the plight
of the homeless in New York -- of India. I thought *Slumdog *is brilliantly
shot, and I am willing to forgive Ram dressed as a mix between Shiva and
Krishna in a foreign film.

But I do have a problem with a story that pretends to be real when in
reality it is just a *masala *film -- the kind we churn out by the dozens in

Yes, *Slumdog Millionaire *is just superficial fluff, mainly because of its
gaping plot holes. It should have been much better researched, and they
really should have stuck to one language.

Maybe the makers -- and half the world, apparently -- believe they have
married Bollywood escapism with Western sensibilities, but it is not a match
made in cinema heaven. It is more along the lines of 1970s Bollywood
tear-jerkers, the kind where the hero transforms from street urchin to gang
lord in one running shot and where long-lost brothers are reunited by

Blame it on the hype.

  • ... Vithur
    • ... Thulasi Ram
    • ... Chord
    • ... ramakrisha laxmana subramanian siva gopala acharya iyer .aiyooo amma idli wada dosa sambar chatni .
      • ... Thulasi Ram
    • ... Aakarsh
      • ... nivensamy

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