Just to share something that happened this morning.
I was listening to one of the popular radio stations in SIngapore, and
the DJs were talking about the Golden Globes and one of them mentioned abt A
R Rahman winning and how he liked ARR's speech the most, esp when he thanked
the 1 billion Indians.

But it was not clear if he saying it as an insult, so i sent a msg to the
station, asking him if he was insulting ARR, and if he was, thn he should
read about abt ARR and his achievements and he will understand why ARR made
that statement. And that his fans are not only in India but worldwide and
all of us were waiting for this moment for ARR.

Surprisingly the DJ replied to the msg, and this was his reply

" dude... I was really proud of him and thought it was a beautiful ending to
his speech"

See how our Boss has made an impact everywhere. And now with the GG, he has
become a talking point among non Indians. A point to note, the DJs and the
radio station was non indian as well.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 9:51 AM, nucleo_inc <nucleo_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>   i watched the live with tears in my eyes...no words could xpress my
> happiness yesterday...May God always bless him...

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