Trilok and Sharada (Ad film makers)

When we heard the
news, we sent a message to Rahman ‘You deserve what you got, and nobody
can take it away from you.’. We have known him years before Roja
happened to him. In fact, we took director Mani Ratnam across to Rahman
and told Mani, and he was then signed for Roja. He is the most
wonderful guy I’ve met. Nothing has changed then or now. He was
brilliant then, he is brilliant now, and he always will be brilliant.
His mother is the most important person for all of us. She has always
been there as a pillar of moral support and strength, for him, and for
all of us too. We feel so proud of his achievement!


feeling not only echoes my happiness, but India’s. I’m extremely
delighted that he has won the award,” says Rahman’s drummer buddy,
Sivamani. With this, Rahman has made waves outside the country, which
all of us can be proud about, he believes. Sivamani, who has worked for
a number of AR Rahman's movies and albums, was also part of Slumdog
Millionaire. “I’m not sure which sequence of mine has been used for
Slumdog Millionaire, but playing for him is always a delight,” he notes.

Steeve Vatz

remembers Rahman as the man who wouldn’t get excited too much about
anything. “That’s quite a capacity,” notes Steeve Vatz. The guitarist
from Chennai who has played for ARR in Ada and also for live, is
extremely happy about him bagging the Golden Globe. “I’m proud to be
associated with him,” he says. “Golden Globe is not something just
anyone can get. And I hope he goes all the way to win the Oscar.
Generally we believe that no one from India can make it to the academy
awards. But with Rahman, we have a loud voice,” he points out.

Darbuka Shiva

Percussionist Shiva confesses he the
greatest fan of AR Rahman. “I haven’t worked with him yet. But, yes,
I’m a fan,” he confides. He believes that the maestro has marked out a
clear-cut path for other musicians like him, by showing that people
from India can reach a high pedestal. “It’s such a big encouragement
for all of us,” he observes. “I’ve listened to the score. Good grooves,
good rhythms, it is mind blowing,” adds Shiva. As always, even in
Slumdog Millionaire, Rahman has kept the roots in India, but has
scooped it out for the global audience, he believes. “He has presented
the music in a true world-class style,” he notes. “And it’s as
innovative as always.”

Rajeev Menon

"It’s a
great thing to have happened. And it has opened doors to Indian film
music and Indian films to the western world. Earlier too, there were
people like Mira Nayar and Deepa Mehta, who got international
recognition. But what is remarkable here is that, here’s a guy who has
been brought up here, working here, practising here, and doing what
he’s doing regularly. And he’s competed with the world and won it! It’s
given a lot of confidence to others. Rahman is home-grown, humble and
embodies all that we love to see in a human and a celebrity. There is
humility not just in him ,but in his music too. He keeps doors open for
all kinds of music people, to walk in and knock at his door."

P C Sreeram

"I was in the Mumbai airport when I saw it in
the news. I know him from his jingle-days. He was so focussed in his
work, and used to work late in the nights. It’s amazing the way he has
evolved. He is a man of very few words, his work speaks for him. Now
with India going global, his achievement is one more major step towards
it. He has given a new sound to the world."

Kartik Raja

Rahman's victory is a lesson in life for all Indians. That nothing is 
impossible, if you put your mind to it.

Sreenivas (singer,composer)

absolutely overwhelming..And the Oscars are just a step away…Rahman is
the ideal combination of a genius musician and a fantastic human being.,gloden,globe,+awards&SectionName=Zc7UETRXfxM=


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