FM Rainbow Interview – Part II

Kadri Gopalnath

He is a great Music Director; A Legend; He is a great Intellectual, and it
would be any less, even though we talk about him in much. As I have moved
along with him, I have some experiences to share. I came to know of
A.R.Rahman, when I was with my guru Shri. T.V.G. There was an Music Assembly
with us by name " East meets West". He was playing keyboard at that time,
and we all recognized that there is something great and unique about him,
right from that age itself. Later, he became No. 1 MD in this country. , esp
in South part of India. Now he has achieved International Recognition.

When I was doing programs during the month of December in Narada Gana Sabha,
Shri K.Balachander and Mr. Rahman were sitting in the program in the front
row. After the program got over, the Sabha secretary told me that Mr.
Balachander would be sending a car tomorrow for some meeting. You need to be
present in their office tomorrow. Rahmanji also came over there . I went the
next day. That time Balachander Sir told me " Kadri. I am one of your fans.
I love your Sax work . we are going to do a movie, and the Saxophone would
be playing a major role in it. The main character in the movie would be
involved with the same. Rahman Sir is going to do the music for the same,
and you should be playing for him". I was surprised at that moment itself,
as I wasn't that involved in playing for film music, and I knew that Rahman
was a genius and didn't know how I can play for him. I didn't know how to
play in that group.

Rahman Sir told me to play some ragas. I told him , " Sir. You tell me which
to play and I shall play the same". He told me " No.. I need some bits, and
you pls play". I played some 7 to 8 raagas. I was playing the Kalyana
Vasantha Raga. At that time, he told me to play it in low tone and high
tones, and at various speeds. After playing for about 15 to 20 minutes, he
said that was enough. The next day, my part in the songs was recorded. The
most special quality in him is that " He wont give any sort of pressure to
the artist. He will get the best out of the artist. It is Rahman Sir alone,
who knows how to get the best out of an artist, and this is very evident
when you see him do it. He alone knows.

He knows the strength of the artist and gives the required freedom, which
brings the best out of the artist. He will get whatever is in us, and will
assemble it to make it sound beautiful. He is a genius in doing that. We are
so proud to say that Rahmanji is an Indian. He is such a very happy and big
friend to me. I consider it a very special honour and privilege to have
worked with Rahmanji. My salutations to him.

Q :-  I would like to ask a question. Pls don't mistake me for this. Being a
very busy Music Director, spending so much of time in the Studio always, you
need pin drop silence, without disturbance. When do you get time to go home,
take food ?. Your mother would be waiting for you to have food, and would be
calling you frequently. How are you managing your personal and professional
life amidst this busy schedule ?

AR :- I think its very important for a musician to understand the importance
of a family,(be it be any artist) . If there is no perfect understanding,
then he has to go with the same headache of family problems, and it would be
a big torture. And by the Grace of God, all my family members understand
that. Without their help, definitely, I cant do music. Each one of them,
understand me, and act like my right and left hands, be it be my wife, kids,
mother. God Bless them, and thank you for the question.


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