Scent of money
21 Jan 2009, 0057 hrs IST, SREEDHAR PILLAI , TNN
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   Slumdog Millionaire (SM), the most talked-about movie is releasing in
Chennai and other parts of India this Friday.
Still from Slumdog Millionaire. More

The film, directed by Danny Boyle, is currently a rage in Chennai,
especially after it won four Golden Globe Awards, including the one for Best
Music Score which went to Chennai's A R Rahman. The prestigious Golden Globe
is considered a prelude to the Oscars.

The subsequent media hype has made the pirated video copies of the film sell
like hot cakes in Chennai. Shops in Burma Bazaar and Ritchie Street which
deal in pirated DVDs have a code word — 'Rahman KBC padam'. Says Supriya of
Sathyam Cinemas, "The hype around SM is enormous and advance bookings have
been fantastic. We are planning to have a red carpet premier of the film,
which many Kollywood celebrities are likely to attend."

A special invite has also been sent to AR Rahman, but he is unlikely to
attend as he will be taking part in the mega Mumbai premiere of the film.
The film will open this Friday on five Chennai screens. While Sathyam, Inox,
Sangam and Mayajaal will screen the English version, Ega will have the Hindi
version. The only other screen that will show the movie in the state is
Kanakadhara in Coimbatore.

However, the big news is that SM is going to be dubbed in Tamil and released
across Tamil Nadu, two weeks after its English and Hindi release. The Tamil
version of the film is likely to be titled Naanum Kodiswaran after its
dubbing rights were purchased by a local film producer for a whopping
amount. Says Sunil Narvekar of Chayalakshmi Creations, which is distributing
the English and Hindi versions of the film on behalf of 20th Century Fox,
"Since Rahman is well known, there are a lot of inquiries from the interior
parts of Tamil Nadu. The film is Indian in many ways, including its
presentation and cast. There are songs and dances. Also, there is romance
and drama —typical Indian elements which will work well with our audiences."

The trade feels that SM and its Tamil version have tremendous potential in
the state and can capitalise on the Rahman phenomenon, Golden Globe Awards
and potential Oscars. It is also expected to do business of around Rs two


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