Sath, appreciate your feelings. But do you really want to waste your
energies on such reviews? Just let go and enjoy this one month of suspense
that you may not be able to enjoy again! :)

2009/1/23 Sath Murthy <>

> Overall, the movie is brilliant and lives up to the hype. *If only the
> credit roll song sequence was pictured properly or removed, it could have
> elevated the movie much more.* This tale about love has all it takes to
> become the biggest grossing foreign language movie in India.
> Can you beleive this? Jai Ho has been nominated for Oscar, here the
> reviewer says it should have been pictured properly or should be removed.
> This song had been a sensational hit, and the way it rolls at the end is
> picture perfect and most of the western reviews praised this ending of the
> movie. What does Harish. V think?
> Sath.

"You are what your deepest desire is;
As you desire, so is your intention;
As your intention, so is your will;
As is your will so is your deed;
As is your deed, so is your destiny"
                                          -The Upanishads

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