We all know that there's always been a bad relationship between fans of
A.R. Rahman and Harris Jeyaraj. Fans of Rahman has always something to
say about Harris being a copycat, claiming that Harris has lifted many
tunes of ARR and many other artists. And fans of Harris in return would
deny everything and say that they mere coincidence. Many of them get
irritated and start saying thing about our ARR! Claiming that he took
tunes from the west and stuff! This is what is happening ever since
Minnale was released. In fact this was all started by the press saying
that Minalle sounds like ARR's work.

What I understand is, some ARR fans are actually afraid of losing the
no.1 spot to HJ (like that will ever happen). They try to create a bad
name for HJ so that it will be difficult for him to reach the no.1
spot. This is all out of jealousy. Let's not condemn other composers to
make ARR no.1. ARR is no.1! He don't
need to be the best while others are bad. It would be like getting no.1
rank in a class with others failing everything. Let him be the best
among the best. 

Let's stop condemning HJ. Take this youtube user for example
(http://www.youtube.com/user/20053529). All he does is posting video
proofs of HJ being a copycat. Well, that's his wish. But he's
constantly comparing HJ with ARR. He even uses vulgar words against HJ
fans. This creates a very bad impression on us, A.R. Rahman's loyal
fans. There many site like this. 

Whether he copies or not is not our business. Why hurt other people's feeling. 
Even A.R. Rahman himself would not like this.

Just my opinion. I hope that a healthy discussion will go on..


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